Re: 2017 Pairwise thread
If the season ended today:
1 Denver
2 Duluth
3 Harvard
4 Western Michigan
5 Boston U
6 Minnesota
7 Union
8 Lowell
9 Notre Dame
10 North Dakota
11 Providence
12 Cornell
13 Penn State
14 Ohio State
15 Air Force
1 Denver vs 4 Air Force
2 Minnesota vs 3 North Dakota
1 Harvard vs 4 Penn State
2 Boston U vs 3 Providence
1 Duluth vs 4 WCHA
2 Lowell vs 3 Cornell
1 Western Michigan vs 4 Ohio State
2 Union vs 3 Notre Dame
I'm not so sure I have this right... I have two HE schools playing each other in the first round, but solving that is tricky. I can't move Providence College because NoDak must play in Fargo, and moving the other 3 seeds around will inevitably result in a HE match up. I can't move BU to Manchester or Cinci because that would make another HE match up as well. The only possible solution I see without changing any team's seed is to send BU to Fargo and Minnesota to Providence, but would the committee really pass up on a Minnesota/NoDak playoff game?
The first thing is a glitch on score updates. The Minnesota game last night was a tie, won by MSU in a shootout, but to the NCAA, that's a tie. And, it makes Minn 5th and BU 6th in the PWR.
That being said, about the 2nd and 3rd bands.... The committee is required to separate the HE schools, so yes, NCAA would forego a MN/NoDak matchup. That won't matter in Fargo - the place is sold out.
That would mean the likely matchups would be:
Union vs NoDame (7 v 9) in Cincinnati
Lowell or BU vs NoDak (6 or 8 v 10) in Fargo
BU or Lowell vs Cornell (8 or 6 v 12) in Manchester
Minnesota vs Providence (5 v 11) in Providence
My preference for 'fairness' would be that Lowell, as the #8, go to Fargo.
Also, if you wish, you can change the Manchester and Providence games.
With this PWR, Cincinnati is going to be a hollow sounding barn.
Final Edit: The placement of the WCHA and AHA teams would be up for argument as well. If, for example, Air Force and Bowling Green are the victors, then the difference in the strength of those 2 schools suggests that Denver, and #1 overall, play BGSU.
And, if Western Michigan ends up 4th, the committee's choice of locations for Denver and Duluth is going to be interesting, because their own guidelines suggest Denver to Fargo, and then Duluth to Cincinnati. Which would leave Cincinnati even more empty. Ha Ha to the NCAA