Re: 2016-2017 WCHA Season Thread
Excellent post aparch! Thank you!
Yes, it was built for the USOEC Short Track Speed Skating program to use as well as for the hockey and basketball teams.
Back in the late 90's, NMU commissioned studies for renovations needed at Lakeview Arena in order to continue advancing the hockey program. Because Lakeview is owned by the City of Marquette, and NMU was only renting the facility, the City of Marquette balked at the costs of the improvements. It was around the same time that NMU was looking at building a speed skating track on the west side of the PIEF. And NMU was also looking into renovating Hedgecock since part of the building was unused.
The costs of adding onto the PIEF, renovating Hedgecock, and renovating an ice arena that wasn't their own caused NMU to find that building a multi-purpose venue on campus to house all these sports would be better cost effective than patching the old buildings.
So that lead to the building of the Berry. The rink size was chosen as 200x100 to accommodate speed skating. It also helped that half of the college rinks being built at the time were being built to international or hybrid standards.
(Seventeen new rinks from 1989 to 1999. Nine non-NHL. SCSU '89, UAF '90, Minnesota '93, UMass '93, MSU-M '95, UNH '95, CC '98, Wisconsin '98, NMU '99)
As for the fan accommodations, the Berry was originally designed to be slightly larger and much deeper, allowing those entering the building to walk directly onto the concourse, but site conditions prevented the realization of the original plans and the design was changed to better fit the area available. This caused the slight half flight of stairs needed to go from the entry to the concourse.
What the fans didn't see thanks to the scarcely decorated precast concrete walls, was the amenities that were built for the team. Dedicated weight/workout rooms for the hockey team (so the athletes could stay in the building and not need to fight for the PIEF equipment). Large team conference rooms to study video, and a spacious lockerroom that (at the time) rivaled some NHL lockerrooms in 1999.
On the fan side, all they saw was a bland concrete building with awkward seats (which were adjusted to sit higher allowing more leg room in 2001), and the lack of a donor room and no booze sales caused locals to poo-poo the new building.
Side note, it's been 18 years. There is a generation of MQT locals who have never seen an NMU game at Lakeview, and there are some locals are still pi**ed with the BEC as a venue. Then again, those people are still pi**ed that the Palestra was torn down.
TL;dr: Olympic speed skating is the reason for the BEC's size.
Excellent post aparch! Thank you!