Re: 2015-2016 Division I Women's Hockey Scores & Results
A question for the collective knowledge of the board:
. . . But the discussion at the Mankato bench lasted rather long; when it was over the refs went to review the video, and the announcer in the building said "The previous play is being challenged".
Not "the goal is under review", like they've said dozens of times; but "... being challenged".
Did the NCAA institute a coach's challenge (that just has never come up before in a game I was watching)? Or did the announcer just word things oddly this time around?
That was the first time I had seen that situation as well, but I looked it up in the rules and it is covered under section 93.6 Team Timeout Request:
93.6 Team Timeout Request -
A team may use its timeout for the purpose of reviewing situations that are in the video replay criteria or a potentially non-detected goal.
In order for a time out to be granted a coach must:
• Identify from the onset of the request that the time out is for purpose of video review.
A coach may not request a video review if the timeout is taken for another purpose.
A coach may not stall in any manner prior to requesting the review.
• Identify the specific video replay criteria requested to be reviewed.
If the challenge is successful, the team retains its timeout. If not overturned, team loses timeout.
Looks like the situation was handled correctly.