Should have given some thought to not nominating a boring northeastern failure of a candidate whose best asset was "not being the other guy."
The only election I truly hope goes against the odds is the Minnesota vote on Marriage.
What are the polls running on that one?
PPP's poll estimated support for the first amendment, which would write an existing ban same-sex marriage into the state constitution, falling to 45 percent from 49 percent in the Star-Tribune's recent Minnesota Poll. Support for the second amendment, which would require voters show a state-issued photo ID when they vote, was pegged at 46 percent, with 51 percent opposed. That's a significant drop in support since recent polls estimating the amendment would pass with 53 percent of the vote.
Polls are close but I look at what happened in California and I don't trust Minnesota to be the first State NOT to vote in favor of one man one woman on marriage.
Black panthers out and on tv in Philly. (Rover claims these are knuckle dragging plants)
Thanks. I tend to agree with your outlook. I find it amusing that it seems the "No" signs and stickers far outweigh the "Yes" ones but the polling has been relatively close to 50/50 all along. I guess people aren't in the mood to really get out and advertise that "Yes" stance. Wonder why.
We have one house that has "no vote" signs on it. The next door neighbor has "stolen" those signs on numerous occasions. To the point where the neighbor with the signs had to call the police. Even then he still stole the signs one more time. Pretty sad.
For my stance I think it is wrong to legislate through "mob rules" by amending the Constitution. It's proof that something like this being put on the ballot when we have way more serious problems going on that certain factions of our government don't have their priorities straight.
Not at all. We're paying those guys to "strongly encourage" people to vote Obama. They'll even be following up with you later to check in on how it went....![]()
For my stance I think it is wrong to legislate through "mob rules" by amending the Constitution. It's proof that something like this being put on the ballot when we have way more serious problems going on that certain factions of our government don't have their priorities straight.
Polls are close but I look at what happened in California and I don't trust Minnesota to be the first State NOT to vote in favor of one man one woman on marriage.
Count on Maine to lead the way.
Voted this morning. Heavy turnout. They only had one ballot box so we had to stand in line after voting, rather than least we were already inside. They had requested a second box but had been turned down...