If the global economy goes further into the tank between now and election day, any challenger could be elected president. Perry has to be the big favorite -- he'll have whatever corporate money Romney doesn't get and the biggest share of theocon money will go to him as a better bet than Bachmann in the general. He'll also have all the Neocon and AIPAC presses running 24/7 churning out editorials about how his policies will restore America's greatness, defeat terrorism, cure cancer, whatever.
Bachmann has a dilemma: if they try to sneak her in by scripting her every public appearance like Palin after she made an ass of her self, then all the passion and connection is gone. If they turn her loose, she's going to say really stupid stuff because she doesn't even understand that it's stupid.
Perry-Bachmann seems like a great ticket. It lets Perry pivot to the center in the general and pretend he's a moderate, but still throws some slop to the social conservatives so they'll keep giving money. Then if elected he can govern like a dictator, like Dubya did; his backers support a unitary executive as long as its theirs.
Scary days, indeed.