Apparently I'm not censual enough to get one.
I got mine, filled it out. The genealogist in me is glad I won't be waiting to mine info off of these. No good info on it!
The Statistical Abstract of the United States. I used that a lot for my senior research paper. I don't know if there's an online version or not. The book is huge, includes census data, DOJ data, and the list continues.Speaking of which... where does one go to look at old census data? What info is there?
Speaking of which... where does one go to look at old census data? What info is there?
I'll defer to you on all of that.Off the top of my head, and RFAlph may recall better than I, the 1840 census asked name, sex and little else.
Apparently I'm not censual enough to get one.
Speaking of which... where does one go to look at old census data? What info is there?
It would be more fiscally responsible if people just cooperated the first time thru. Read back in the thread- research shows response rates are better with a reminder letter first. This means less $ outlay to pay for man hours hunting people down who don't cooperate.
This has been happening for hundred + yrs. This is the least info they have asked since probably the 1840-50 censuses. (I do family research and have looked at everything available so far). Why, suddenly, do people have their knickers in a twist? Has anyone done anything nefarious with the data? I have never heard anything but maybe I missed it. I just don't get the paranoid attitude about giving minimal info.
See bloski's post earlier in the thread.
Typical Badger fan, sent it back but never filled it out.Well, I have half completed the request of this thread.![]()
Whether you like it or not they illegals use all sorts of public resources like roads, public transport, hospitals, schools, police, fire, water supply, etc. We all might not like that they do it but unless you are more brilliant than the polititians and can find a way to eject them (which would cause at least a few cities in my state to completely implode economically) they use resources and we need # to estimate what we need.Lol. If I was on a lifeboat and had to make a choice of which ones to send overboard ... a lawyer, a banker, a census taker ... Even though I find census wokers annoying I would kick both the lawyer and the banker off the boat before the census peon.
They already have this information. SS, Tax records, school record, birth certificate records etc... And this will have the bonus of not counting illegals or off the book non-citizens. Ok maybe not since we allow illegals into our schools.
my point was clearly lost in the translation since some of you reference the Bronze age, we're not living in the bronze age, Iron age, nor the gilded age but in the computer/information age... maybe it's time to update our outdated notion of why/how we take the census. And maybe we can centralize our medical records while we're at it and start a birth2death info gathering, automatic voter registration etc...
no I don't have a problem with government taking the census they could do it better and, I find the telemarketr tactics used by the census to be annoying.
Whether you like it or not they illegals use all sorts of public resources like roads, public transport, hospitals, schools, police, fire, water supply, etc.
As to the electronic medical thing and using it to track stuff- To do it right you would need to have one huge system and that would be socialist. Never going to happen in my life time. We can't even get ours to interface with the hospital lab after 5 yrs.
The census is used as a basis for so many things for a few hundred years. Short of just being contrary at heart, I can see more harm than good from stopping it. It is the only way to gather non-biased info that is comprehensive and all inclusive. Mine away at records and depending on how you set the variables you are looking for I would imagine it would effect the # you get.
CC to the person who repped me: I know what you mean. Not many active synapses there.
I need "Writing for Dummies". I rant about census takers and their methods and comments are tin foils/gov conspiracy and living in the iron age.
Like I said SS numbers or national ID from birth2death would count all the citizens. I'm not sure how this "volunteer" survey which got around 80% response rate in 2000 is more accurate than public/gov records. Or that we should reward the local/state governments and the businesses that hire illegals by sending them more federal money.
You could call it socialism but it's also done all the time in the free markets by consortium of business/manufactures (ANSI, blu-ray, TCP, USB etc..) and if these guys (hospitals/doctors) can't agree on a standard then it might be in the best interest of the patients and the country to force them.
I just saw the nightline piece on medicare fraud, kinda shocked how easy it was for these guys to steal millions by filing fake bills and our government pays them automatically without any checks. Estimate was around $2billion to the criminal gangs running these scams.
I think where some people start to object is to many of the questions on the long form. Nearly everyone receives the short form and most have no problems with it. The long form is far more invasive than the short. But from what I understand this is not going to be part of this year's census.
I think that may be part of it, but there are also those who believe that the Census Bureau is violating the Constitution by collecting any information beyond a "head count".