Well, technically speaking I don't believe the Constitution mandated anything beyond a head count based on whether or not you were "free."
The Constitution mandates a census every 10 years. Period. No stated restrictions and no stated stipulations on what information was to be specifically collected. Personally I don't think those who object have much of an argument (based on this year's census form) as demographic information is a perfectly reasonable thing to collect in a census.
I think where some people start to object is to many of the questions on the long form. Nearly everyone receives the short form and most have no problems with it. The long form is far more invasive than the short. But from what I understand this is not going to be part of this year's census.
I think that may be part of it, but there are also those who believe that the Census Bureau is violating the Constitution by collecting any information beyond a "head count".
I don't necessarily disagree that it's reasonable. However, there's an ocean of difference between what's reasonable and what's legally required.
So you not wanting us to tink you a rednecks mais you waching so much TV dat you know da commurcials so much you sick a dem, eh? Hey, seester, I gots a newsflashing pour vous, der no commurcials in books or walking around outside, ehHey! Not everyone who lives in the south is a rednecks who cannot talk
Personally, I can't wait until the census is over. I am so sick of the TV commercials.
Must admit, having now gotten in the mail (1) this is to tell you we are going to send you a Census (2) the Census and (3) this is to tell you we recently sent you a Census, it's starting to feel like AOL disk giveaways.![]()
I just finished the census and am including items (1) and (3) above in the return envelope with a note to say stop wasting taxpayer money. It won't accomplish anything, but I sure feel better. Maybe I'll add an old AOL disk if I have one laying around.
As was discussed upthread, more people return their census forms if they've been sent (1), meaning they have to pay for fewer man-hours of Census employees going door-to-door where people haven't responded, meaning they actually save money, on balance, by sending you (1). I would guess the same is true for (3).I just finished the census and am including items (1) and (3) above in the return envelope with a note to say stop wasting taxpayer money. It won't accomplish anything, but I sure feel better. Maybe I'll add an old AOL disk if I have one laying around.
Maybe they think you like to drop the soap while in the shower.(1) and (3) won't get to the right post drop, so you'll get another one of (3) for sure, and maybe another (1), (2), and (3) if they're worried.
Who the hell left 54 little bars of Camay in my room? I came in last night and found 54 little bars of soap. I don't want 54 little bars of Camay. I want my one **** bar of bath-size Dial. Do you realize I have 54 bars of soap in here. All I want is my bath size Dial. Please give me back my bath-size Dial.
There is no long form anymore. There is the American Community Survey, but that is a continuous survey that's going on all the time.
Even the detailed data from the ACS isn't unreasonable, in my mind. Good decisions need to be based on good data. The Census Bureau has an excellent track record in protecting personal information.
Right, I posted that a few posts below my OP. We're going to have to agree to disagree on the unreasonableness of the ACS. You make a pretty bold statement that the government actually uses the data to make good decisions. There is enough money floating around washington to make data irrelevant.
It doesn't matter if the census bureau has a good track record, the fact that the data is there means it's accessible legal or otherwise.
I took the census job test today. Such a joke test...It took me 15 minutes and I got all 28 questions right. You have to get 10 of the 28 correct to pass. The lady on my right got 7 correct, the dude on my left got 5. It took me 15 of the 30 minutes to finish..this guy when we were walking out said he only got half done. These were questions like 3002-98 = ? or if the form saids Q1 ___yes ____ no if no go to question 3 ....... if you answer yes to question one, what question do you ask next?
You is smrt.
I was mostly just trying to point how ridiculously low the standards are to be a census taker and make 15 bucks an hour. Also pointing how how dumb the average American must be if the government gives a test and considers 35% passing.