Re: 2010 Baseball Hall of Fame Class
The essence is that you are like a lot of sports writers... you take your opinions based on your gut emotions and some glib figures which reinforce these opinions. Nothing in any of your posts appear to indicate what the "nerds" are missing. Sure you can use a lot of words but you spend most of your time dancing around the point. You seem to emphasize not why you know something better than the rest of us but rather that you know nothing and that you'll do so in a repetitive fashion.
BTW, Rover, the only situations that tend to "call for a hit" are those situations where the next batter is that much more worse than the one currently up... the presumption is that there are one or two outs and you need to score immediately.
Good, because that means statsnerding will not be used to determine HoF eligibility.
What you're missing for the umpteenth time is that reviewing stats 20 years later does not replace watching the guy's career when it happened. People 'back in the dark ages' had access to plenty of these stats already, as both on base % and slugging % were well known stats (unless of course adding those two together gives some mind blowing insight that people didn't have 20 years ago

). Ever wonder why the guys you want in the Hall aren't in, while the ones I think belong are? Could it be, maybe, that I'm right and you're wrong.

Or is the world just out to screw you and the rest of the pocket protector class?
To your second point, talk about wimpily passing the buck to the next guy. Maybe you match up better against the pitcher than the next guy. Maybe the other guy might not get a good pitch to hit like you did (again about how its humans, not machines, playing the game). How about exercising some personal responsibility and taking it upon yourself to drive in that run.
I'll bet those top scoring NL teams also led the league in RBI's too

which you think is a meaningless stat???
Not sure what your Grich obsession is. He was a good, solid player you'd love to have on your team. Not a Hall of Famer, but nonetheless a good player. Interesting that in his best years you were what....being born and...4 or 5 years old? Yup, I'm sure that qualifies you to know more than people who watched him play.