Well, I really don't know because I haven't seen that many Gustavus games over the years (in person or on line). But such "claims" that one team is systematically treated one way while the others are not, are the province of whiners. Given that the "official" scorer had the shot differential even greater than the clock manager, and that the reported shots in the St Catherine's and WRF games were not out of line with what I perceived them to be, in my opinion the claims in your post don't stand up, at least with respect to the WRF game. Like I said, whether your assertion is true with respect to GA in general, I do not know, but I seriously doubt it. I think it may be far more likely that the theory proposed by others in this thread, that GA tends to throw pucks on net when other teams might be more inclined to work for a better shot, is a much more plausible explanation for why GA tends to out-shoot opponents, often by large margins.