Moderate? Yup, this thing pegs you perfectly.You are a left moderate social authoritarian.
Left: 4.8, Authoritarian: 1.27
Foreign Policy:
On the left side are pacifists and anti-war activists. On the right side are those who want a strong military that intervenes around the world. You scored: -0.33
Where are you in the culture war? On the liberal side, or the conservative side? This scale may apply more to the US than other countries. You scored: -0.93
Moderate? Yup, this thing pegs you perfectly.
Sure. Some of the questions were poorly worded.There are two scores. He is moderate in terms of Authoritarian/Libertarian. Same as me. We're both very much left on the liberal/conservative scale
Neither Bob or OP took the test in 2012...will they take it now?
You are a centrist social moderate.
Right: 0.76, Libertarian: 0.94
Foreign Policy: 0.2 Culture: -0.78
Makes me a Fascist around here
Based upon posting history either the poll isn't very accurate, some of you aren't answering the questions honestly, or you misrepresent your true views in this forum.
or, some of the things we discuss on these forum aren't covered by the poll at all!
For example, I believe that people are basically motivated by self-interest. That's not a good thing nor a bad thing, it's merely how things are. It's sort of like saying most people eat food several times a day, it's merely human nature.
However, it also means, that when you have governments staffed by people, then those people will primarily be motivated by their self-interest first, and the public interest second (if very much at all). I'd then point to the VA situation and offer it as empirical data to validate this point of view.
There wasn't a single question on the poll that asked how much do you trust government to do the right thing. If there were, then many people who post here would have high + scores on that question, while I would have a significant - score on that question.
Also, I wonder about the way the poll scores the data we do enter. Many people who are reporting high scores for being libertarian also appear to have a high level of trust in government. I'd find that hard to reconcile if the poll were being scored in a consistent manner.
<b>My Political Views</b><br>I am a left moderate social libertarian<br>Left: 6.64, Libertarian: 2.29<br><img src=""><br><a href="">Political Spectrum Quiz</a><br>
Foreign Policy:
On the left side are pacifists and anti-war activists. On the right side are those who want a strong military that intervenes around the world. You scored: -6.11
Where are you in the culture war? On the liberal side, or the conservative side? This scale may apply more to the US than other countries. You scored: -5.59
Are you saying that left leaning people would tend to say that they trust the government to do the right thing?
Moderate? Yup, this thing pegs you perfectly.
The open ended questions such as: If an unwed teen becomes pregnant, abortion may be a responsible choice. bothered me. "May" in this instance, is so wide-open that it could greatly skew the leanings. Date rape? One night of fun? Incest? Consensual? It focuses on age, rather than act.
I'm confused - who is "they" in this context? You're right that political parties all want your votes (and your money, as someone else noted), but the people who made the questions "as open-ended as possible" in this case seem to be the nice folks at, who are, I think, simply trying to drive traffic to their site and not trying to get you to "side with" anything in particular. So I'm not sure this is really a reasonable explanation for BBDL's point about many of the questions being worded vaguely.Well, yeah, they're making the questions as open-ended as possible so that you take time and then they hope you side with them. The questions are framed in a way to get you going in a certain direction (theirs), but general enough for people to take a moment for internal debate - if you have any - on that question. It's meant to drive votes to their candidates come election day, so they create a questionnaire with questions that lead you more towards their conclusion than you might have otherwise. Political parties are all the same, regardless of their platform, they all want your votes.
This same quiz, or one that's worded very similarly, with the quadrant output, used to be on one of the Libertarian Party's websites. I'm not sure if it's still there or not. I read the quiz and got the impression that they make it very appealing to choose the libertarian point of view on many of these issues, more so than most people are likely to answer when/if they're discussing amongst friends.I'm confused - who is "they" in this context? You're right that political parties all want your votes (and your money, as someone else noted), but the people who made the questions "as open-ended as possible" in this case seem to be the nice folks at, who are, I think, simply trying to drive traffic to their site and not trying to get you to "side with" anything in particular. So I'm not sure this is really a reasonable explanation for BBDL's point about many of the questions being worded vaguely.
Ahh, I gotcha. Thanks for clarifying.This same quiz, or one that's worded very similarly, with the quadrant output, used to be on one of the Libertarian Party's websites. I'm not sure if it's still there or not. I read the quiz and got the impression that they make it very appealing to choose the libertarian point of view on many of these issues, more so than most people are likely to answer when/if they're discussing amongst friends.