Lather, rinse, repeat.Won't matter as DC will continue to be a do nothing cluster****.
This same quiz, or one that's worded very similarly, with the quadrant output, used to be on one of the Libertarian Party's websites. I'm not sure if it's still there or not. I read the quiz and got the impression that they make it very appealing to choose the libertarian point of view on many of these issues, more so than most people are likely to answer when/if they're discussing amongst friends.
Sounds like you're a Christie voter; if he gets nominated you should have no trouble backing him. There are also some blue dog Dems you might like. Not sure what Evan Bayh is doing these days.I am f*ed. I'm hardcore hawk and economy, but socially very liberal. I have no home. ... now who do I vote for? Hillary? or some right wing whack job that the Republicans run?
It used to be called "the world's smallest political quiz." It was obviously loaded to push the capital L Libertarian position. You basically had to be Karl Marx or Vlad the Impaler not to get the answer, "it turns out you're a Libertarian!"
Yeah, I remember when that quiz was cool in 2003. *rattles false teeth*
Apparently my views have swung opposite of what I expected...
Ever so slightly more to the right (puzzling)
My views have become less libertarian (also puzzling)
I'm less of a non-interventionalist (baffling)
More culturally conservative (very baffling)
Not sure why these have swung the way they did. Everything but my politics score shifted more towards the center while the politics swung to the right.
I'm pretty sure that the only thing impacting the Right/Left indicator are the economic questions. The only reason I can think of as to why that this was done to avoid confusion in terminology between social libertarian and economic libertarian (social libert. & right), as well as social authoritarian and economic authoritarian (social auth. & left).
It's likely the importance of the various items on the list. If you rated it as very important in the past, but only as important now (perhaps because things have improved in that area, in your opinion), that will move your score more towards the center than last time. Or, of course, the opposite would be true if you're moving further from center on a rating. Now, if you've moved from somewhere on the left to being on the right, then you've got other considerations, but that's not something we've seen out of people reporting their results here.
It's likely the importance of the various items on the list.
Easy to test it. Set up two tests with identical answers, keep one as a control, then start moving individual answers around, either the answer or its weighting. The algorithm should be pretty obvious after a few manipulations.
Yeah, but this is an internet thing that's only somewhat interesting. I'm not putting that much effort into it.
centrist social moderate.
Left: 0.59
authoritarian 0.96
foreign policy: -0.96
culture: 2.8
so, slightly non-interventionist and somewhat socially conservative. Sounds about right.