Re: Your Political Stance - 2014 Edition
I don't believe folks like Paul, Peter, and Luke, who I reference, wrote those old testament books. And of course, there are all sorts of issues the Bible doesn't directly weigh in on, but that doesn't mean that it is being endorsed. But, of course slavery isn't what was being discussed, so nice detour.
Great. So let's discuss these verses which condone slavery, and in some cases explicitly direct the Jewish people to take slaves:
Genesis 17:12
Exodus 12:43
Exodus 21:1-32
Leviticus 22:10
Leviticus 25:44-46
Luke 7:2 (in which Jesus heals a slave's physical malady, but manages to neglect to tell the owner to free the slave)
Colossians 3:22
Ephesians 6:5
Titus 2:9
1 Timothy 6:1-2
There are plenty of proscriptions in those areas of the Bible (don't do this, don't do that), and several instructions on how NOT to treat slaves, but not once does God bother to say, "oh, yeah, um... maybe just don't own slaves in the first place." Clearly, eating of shellfish was a much greater concern for this Deity.
Either the Biblical writings were simply man-created products of the culture of their times (when slavery was perfectly acceptable), OR it was divinely inspired and true for all times and God is pretty ambivalent about slavery.
I don't believe folks like Paul, Peter, and Luke, who I reference, wrote those old testament books. And of course, there are all sorts of issues the Bible doesn't directly weigh in on, but that doesn't mean that it is being endorsed. But, of course slavery isn't what was being discussed, so nice detour.