I don't think there's anything about Jimmy Conrad that's "quiet", even when he had his jaw broken by Clint Dempsey.Nothing say quiet confidence like the flop sweat of "OH YEAH?!?"
There's actually nothing wrong with MLS that Portland being better wouldn't cure.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">To all of you <a href="https://twitter.com/MLS?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@MLS</a> haters out there, this is for you. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/CoachJimmy?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#CoachJimmy</a> <a href="https://t.co/E4NYbKyyRt">pic.twitter.com/E4NYbKyyRt</a></p>— Jimmy Conrad (@JimmyConrad) <a href="https://twitter.com/JimmyConrad/status/1224085288575590400?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
wouldn't say people hate mls. they just don't give a turkey
but plenty of people use a moment like this as the reason they'll never give it a chance.
but plenty of people use a moment like this as the reason they'll never give it a chance.
Oh there are plenty of insecure American Eurosnobs who have to be always coming up with reasons as to why they don’t watch MLS and trash it at every opportunity.?
People don't need a reason to ignore something. They just ignore it.
It's not like people who don't collect stamps stay up thinking of reasons why. They never think of it at all.
Oh there are plenty of insecure American Eurosnobs who have to be always coming up with reasons as to why they don’t watch MLS and trash it at every opportunity.
Conrad is right, if this was an MLS clip it’d be getting blasted all over Twitter and r/soccer with every variation of “Trash League” comment.
I would be a little less sensitive about the “trolling” if it wasn’t being done, intentional or unwittingly, at the behest of those who are trying to destroy MLS and USSoccer for their own financial gain.You should also factor in trolling. I root for the Timbers and so I watch MLS. But you guys are so sensitive it is irresistible to pull your tails.
As far as whether it's a quality product, compared to what? Compared to all other soccer available to us in the states, it's amazing. Compared to EPL, Serie A, La Liga and Bundesliga, it's not as good.
I'm talking about the top halves of all these leagues. The bottom halves are all bad; even EPL.
I would be a little less sensitive about the “trolling” if it wasn’t being done, intentional or unwittingly, at the behest of those who are trying to destroy MLS and USSoccer for their own financial gain.
“Journalists” like the folks at World Soccer Talk, whose founder and operator have admitted that they wish for MLS to fail so more folks watch EPL and the like so they get more attention. They also readily post misleading information on MLS TV ratings as a way of helping this narrative. Ol’ Billy boy at Deadspin was a similar operator.Who dat?
I'm honestly unaware that anyone is deliberately undermining MLS for profit. What's their angle?
Considering how much their tripe gets blasted over r/MLS and Twitter, it does.If it makes you feel better. Ive never heard of World Soccer Talk. So obviously their impact is minimal!
“Journalists” like the folks at World Soccer Talk, whose founder and operator have admitted that they wish for MLS to fail so more folks watch EPL and the like so they get more attention