Don't say gay, FIFA version.
Take the yellow cards you absolute disgusting cowards.
There’s a movement to move to that style coming from Europe of all places.
Can't tell if that's booing during the anthem.
I guess I don't necessarily blame them, but yeah....
The 85% who win their first match move on is a little cherry picked, isn’t it? If Pot 1 is always playing a Pot 4 team first, there’s half the games that are a top 8 team against a Best of the Rest group. Surely they should win those and since they’re a top 8 team surely they would have the best chance at moving on anyway.
It does get more interesting when you look at Pot 2 vs Pot 3 matchups because those in theory should be more even, but even that’s still going to be a 9-20 against low 20s or 30s team.
Seems like it’s more or less the good teams just being good?