No, I didn't "blow a fuse". 4and20 has indeed posted some outlandish ones, thus theirs is a complete joke as well. You should read carefully in the future and realize that I'm saying the same thing pretty much for both. It would just look stupid to say the EXACT thing for both. Don't go judging my syntax, as that is relating to the rules that govern the construction of a sentence. This is a forum, and nobody SHOULD care about syntax. Big words don't make you look any smarter. As this is a fan OPINION thread, its my OPINION that both of those were just silly. And before you go off about me posting my own, I have in the past. But due to a hectic schedule, I have lost track of many of the eastern schools and do not feel that I have enough information to post a poll. All I know is that not all of those western schools are that good and not all of those eastern schools are that good (even though many people would argue that). Have a nice day, go post your rubbish elsewhere.