I was able - surprisingly! - to pull up full game videos at BTNPlus; I'll have to remember that when I've got nothing better to do. I looked at the start of four different games and got different top two line combinations in each of the four (probably means different 3rd lines, too, but I didn't go that for)
Oct 4 vs Penn State: Roque, Watts, Shirley and Schneider, Curl, Norby.
Nov 17 vs Mankato: Roque, Watts, Shirley and Pettet, Curl, Mauermann
Jan 24 vs Minnesota: Roque, Curl, Norby and Pettet, Shirley, Watts
Feb 16 vs Ohio State (Fill The Bowl): Roque, Curl, Mauermann and Pettet, Watts, Shirley
So for 2019-2020 Shirley's 61 point season, Watts was the constant (and not as I thought, Curl. That must have been their freshman year).