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Re: WISCONSIN HOCKEY 09-10 - Climbing The Mountain (7th Edition?)
Mike Eaves on Brendan Smith's defense.
Mike Eaves on Brendan Smith's defense.
QUESTION #11: Brendan Smith's recent streak, 7 games, 15 points, obviously he's putting the points up. Has he improved as a defensemen as well and putting that all together? You talked about reaching one's potential. He's obviously a little bit closer.
EAVES: His play without the puck has definitely gotten better. There has been clips that we've been able to show, especially in one-on-one situations. He used to have a habit of, as a forward came toward him, he's looking him at the chest, but then his eyes would kind of wander down tot eh puck, and a good forward is going to make a money out of you when you do that. But there's been a couple clips where he has, the puck does not exist, is the verbiage we try to use, when you don't play with the puck because you want to go through the man. There have been a couple great clips of him being able to do that and finishing the check and, as a result, you know, not putting himself in a position to get beaten one-on-one. So there has been some good growth. It's kind of interesting how they're coming together.