I am not ordinarily for retribution. But.
This is insane and I would want all the doctors who went along with whatever the "mom" wanted to be investigated by the state board.
I am not ordinarily for retribution. But.
This is insane and I would want all the doctors who went along with whatever the "mom" wanted to be investigated by the state board.
Jail time for teacher who fed children sperm laced cupcakes
"But thank god she didn't teach her students that slavery once existed." - GOP
Read a few articles about them and found this to be enlightening,The 5th Circus, of course.
Overheard while dropping eaves at the airport: college kid behind me was asking/testing his friends about where the phrase, "We the People," came from (don't know why). He was adamant it was from the Declaration of Independence and his friends all agreed with him after the fact.
Worst part is that even though I knew he was wrong, he was so confident I had to double check myself.
I actually saw a discussion on that phrase recently. Who coined it, or something like that.
also, don't these kids have to memorize the preamble anymore?
Where does she find the time?
$40M at $10K per transaction is 1.6 fraudulent transactions every single workday for 10 years straight.