Miracle Whip is revolting.
STEVEN CROWDER: Joe -- former vice president Joe Biden -- his America Rescue Plan includes farmer reparations. Now, what does that mean? It means -- and I don't know where you find this many farmers of color, but they did. And 5.2 billion are being allocated exclusively for colored farmers -- farmers of color, farmers of color. Roll the tape.
CROWDER: Most happy about the new policy, these people. So, yeah. I'm gonna buy a plow man.
CO-HOST: I'm going buy corn.
CROWDER: I'm going to buy a John Deere. Barack Obama mother -- I'm the president of plowing that ass.
DAVE LANDAU (CO-HOST): I thought the last thing they would want to do is be farmers. Wasn't that a big problem for hundreds of years?
CROWDER: Isn't that why Arsenio Hall called himself the urban man's Johnny Carson?
LANDAU: I think so.
CROWDER: Yeah, I don't know, I don't know. Are people lining up out in the middle of cornfield Iowa for new dunks?
LANDAU: I planted a Hennessy tree, but it's not growing.
CROWDER: Well, technically it did grow, but that shit ain't XO --
LANDAU: I put it in the ground.
CROWDER: I planted a VSOPXO tree. I'm getting into some niche esoteric cognac humor motherfucker.
So is this guy Crowder teevee or what?
He has 5m YouTube followers, so he's pretty big on there.
Honest question: is that a lot?
I have no feel for what constitutes a significant following on the interwebs. And if a guy has 5M followers what percentage are more than casual curiosity? 1%? Less?
I know a few of these like Milo are full bore celebutards, but this seems like somebody tweets something stupidand then 5M tweet it to make fun of it and then 11 seconds later it's washed out of the system. Do any of these morons actually have any lasting effect on an audience, or is it all instantaneous and transient titillation?
I don't if he's sub botting or not, given his content he may well not be, and I'm not gonna poke around and look at videos to figure out his subscribers to views ratio.Thanks.
This sounds like those opera singers who pay mercenaries in the gallery at La Scala to applaud them and boo their rivals.
Oh jeebus. That's a bad way to go
He slid down the bridge and fell in between the section of the bridge that moves and the fixed part of the roadway,
THE LEFT1!1!!! uses music to lecture America, mews Laura Ingraham.
Hey, it's not our fault that half the right still thinks "Born in the USA" is a flag waving, pro-America fist pumper because they never listen to the lyrics (or the acoustic version). Or that Paul Ryan just really loves pumping iron to "Bulls on Parade" and interprets the lyrics as a personal anthem.
I listened to "Hunger Strike" by Temple of the Dog today.
75% of my right-leaning tolerables have no clue what that song even means.