Re: What happens when you think Fox News is what free and independent media is all about
Re: What happens when you think Fox News is what free and independent media is all about
Well, there is a hint of truth to that. Prior to their breaking of Watergate, presidents would get away with a lot more than a president can get away with now, all politicians for that matter. Would FDR have been able to hide his polio affliction even without television? Take television out of the equation, and the answer would still be no. Such a "cover up" would be seen as a scandal, that he was trying to cheat the American electorate. Would Ike have been able to go golfing nearly as often now as he did during his term in the 50's? No, it would be whipped up into a scandal of some sort of mis-allocation of gov't funds - just look at the heavy criticism both President Bush 43 and President Obama have gone through for their vacation choices. It's ridiculous!
Prior to the Watergate story, most political reporting was based upon issues. Now it's heavily influenced by scooping the next big scandal, either presented to them by that politician's opposition party or a motivated investigative journalist.
Political journalism lacks the merit it once carried. It's part of the many reasons that Americans cannot speak knowledgeably on most political issues. But they can tell with whom President Clinton spent time in the Oval Office while the wife left town.
And I think it's really lowered the bar for election coverage quite badly. Nobody is aksing the obvious questions, and nobody seems to mind that there's more coverage of a candidates personal life than of their positions, opinions, and how they wants to fix the problems they see.
Really made me mad a few weeks ago when our local public station was giving 3 min of free air time to all candidates. The two I heard (and I have no idea what affiliation they had) briefly said all the buzz words- jobs, taxes, govenment, new- without going into ANY detail of what they specifically thought was wrong and specifically how they would fix it. Then they both spend 2:30 talking about their family and passions.
A complete waste of my time.
And I was stunned to see some of the "platforms" that people were pretending to run on- something, not specific, is broken, and I'm going to fix it..... that was it. Are you kidding me?
AFAIKT, both sides are currently equally pathetic. And there's more than enough bias to spread across not only the ends, but the middle, so that nothing gets hunted down as specific problems and specific solutions.
Sad what the supposed 4th branch has become.
It's almost to the point that even taking Obama's suggestion to listen to both sides of the media debate (UM 2010 Commencement speech) is a general waste of time- since they are not actually saying anything, but just trying to YELL LOUDER THAN THE OTHER REPORTER.