Re: WCHA armchair expansion
Except that air travel isn't as simple as just tossing your stuff on the bus and going. Air travel time tables are dictated by the airlines, extra trouble when it comes to bagage weight limits, the increased probability of lost bag(s), and inflexability in changing travel schedules as needed.
Air travel does take more time then road travel, that is just the nature of the air travel these days. Between security, layovers, boarding, and deplaning a trip from Minnesota to Anchorage could take 12+ hours with only ~8 hours of that actually in the air.
Actually it's only 8 hours. Flights between MSP and ANC are only about 6 hours, add in prep time you're looking at no more than 10. Plus UAA has a nice working relationship with Delta Airlines (a product of almost 20 years of constant travel on their airline) that expedites baggage handling including waiving of baggage fees and weight fees or at the least reduced rates. As for inflexibility, who cares about changing schedules when all things are planned out in advance, typically 3-4 months before the season starts, the only concerns are weather or equipment related issues, no way a group 30+ will get bumped because things are overbooked, especially when the people buying the tickets buy hundreds.
Donald may be a little heavy on the capitalist conspiracy stuff but the essence of his arguement is correct, the biggest issue of the travel is perception. All that is looked at is the number of miles to travel and they freak. UAA and UAF do it multiple times a season with little issue, as do sports teams in the GNAC.
The biggest key to this, UAF may actually be looking forward to leaving the CCHA as, apparently, they are getting taken to the woodshed on airline tickets from the Michigan schools (supposedly it's around 20 each for them). They were looking to leave the last time around but the WCHA took Omaha instead.
There are two ways to make a 12 team conference with UAA and UAF work while minimizing travel. The first solution is just to use the current pod system. Basically just pair UAA and UAF and then each season two teams have to make both trips, have those two schools do that trip in back to back weekends (in similar matter that UAA does back to back road series now) in January to minimize time lost in class. It might cost a little bit extra in hotel but that can be minimized as well.
The other solution is to have each play each once home and away and do the games in Alaska in one weekend as the GNAC schools do. It allows for more non-conference games to scheduled as well. Either way, the arguements used against having UAA and UAF in the same conference are frivilous.