Sorry if this has all been said but I'd like to add my two cents anyways...
First let me say that I think it would be a big mistake for UW-Stout to fire Terry Watkins or "let him go" after this tragic incident. I think Coach Watkins deserves to feel some heat, afterall it's his job to help lead these kids down the right path, but at the end of the day, he isn't their babysitter and players are ultimately responsible for themselves and their choices. I've had the opportunity to meet Coach Watkins before and I feel he is one of the better coach's in D3 and a quality individual. The WHOLE team is going through a really tough time right now I'm sure of it, and Coach Watkins and his staff need to be there for their players to help them cope with this physically as well as emotionally.
I didn't like that article posted from the University personally. To me it lacks sensitivity. They kept referencing the hockey program bouncing back and to me, right now, the hockey team bouncing back doesn't mean anything....a young kid lost his life. Period.
We've all been in situations at one time or another where a split decision made one way or another has resulted in (or helped avoid) serious consequences. The guys who committed this act are not monsters and I'm sure they are not terrible individuals....they let "liquid courage" get the best of them and as a result, a terrible decision led to a fluke accident and everything went horribly wrong. These kids, their lives, their parents, families, friends, and everyone else touched by this tragedy will never be the same. I'd bet none of the parents involved in this terrible mess care much if the program ever bounces back.