Re: UVM 2016-2017 Season: Go Cats Go!
With regard to renovating The Gut:
If it includes new seating
If it includes video screens
If it includes walk-around on south side
If fan facilities are upgraded,
Then it might be the most realistic route. For recruiting purposes, what really needs to be upgraded are the lockerrooms and ancillary facilities; strength & conditioning area; athletic training; video room and equipment for coaches and teams, etc. The Gut itself can still be a great place to play, a fun atmosphere, but everything else is in worse shape from players perspective. Ice is ice and Gutterson ice has generally been good.
A 3200 seat basketball arena might seem large but it's also a place for other activities, including, I would assume, graduation, concerts, etc.
One report has $40 million already pledged with work set to start in 2019.
The Burlington and South Burlington projects are interesting but still leaves the question of control of those facilities open. UVM this way would have full control.
Certain to be questions and glitches, but more detail really needed before deciding if going this way is smart or lost money. At least, if $40 Mil figure correct, they're halfway there (pending Board approval Saturday), which is a heck of a lot father than they've ever gone before.