Black Bear since D-2
Based on what? You have no idea if they will compete or not. There is no knowledge on the type of recruits that would come here and what kind of team they could put together. What kind of kid would choose empty buildings at Mercyhurst, Holy Cross, Niagara, SH, Canisius, AIC over the Aud?
Well, you almost call out yourself by referencing the above teams, who all are D-1 afterthoughts (to put it mildly). None of them have ever even had a remote sniff of the FF.
I suspect that people will show up at the Aud should UC go D-1, too, but probably more for the beer than to see the likes of AIC, Sacred Heart, et al... My question is this: will they still show up when Utica turns into an also-ran, instead of the perennial D-3 National contender that it is now? Those beery folks like to see wins.
I don't pretend to understand the economics of the issue. I'm just a fan of D-3 hockey. It's great just as it is, and be careful what you wish for, "moving up".
Guess we'll see, but if I had to bet my life, I would predict that UC won't even attempt the legal gymnastics involved in PJ's scenario. It's really difficult to make a case for it on its face.
And, as lovely as Utica is, I don't see a recruiting advantage over Erie PA, Buffalo, Worchester... Especially when they start going 12-18 every year, and are irrelevant in a National sense.
(Yeah, you never know, and there's still the beer.

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