Cornell Big Red
This is really good. It's not a hit piece, either. It takes the music seriously. (OK, except Cardi B.)
And it's a good listen to music I would never have gone near with a ten foot pole.
Now, will I listen to any of those artists ever again? Maybe The Weekend. But still, speaking as someone who believes popular music peaked in 1960, popular film peaked in 1940, and popular literature peaked in 1620, it was nice to rub shoulders with people who weren't corpses, for a change.
And it's a good listen to music I would never have gone near with a ten foot pole.
Now, will I listen to any of those artists ever again? Maybe The Weekend. But still, speaking as someone who believes popular music peaked in 1960, popular film peaked in 1940, and popular literature peaked in 1620, it was nice to rub shoulders with people who weren't corpses, for a change.