Re: USCHO Fantasy College Hockey: Season 11
OK, everyone, I have a few things:
1. I think I have the league set to draft on Thursday this week set, the only way it will change is if anyone has any schedule problems. Here is what I have for the USCHO1 league, to
draft on Thursday Sept. 27th:
Chuck Schwartz
Tipsy McStagger
I will be sending out reminder emails to everyone on this list, in case some don't see this thread.
2. FieldHouseFaithful, you only selected Wednesday Sept. 26th as a date that you can draft. There were not enough people that selected that day to make a viable league. I added you to the Sept. 27th draft, hoping that you will be able to make it. If another day works better for you, let me know and I can add you to either the October 4th draft or the October 5th draft.
3. My goal is to have 8 teams per league, but we're a little short. This first league has 7, which is ok, as long as no-one backs out. For the other 2 leagues, we're currently at 6 teams in each of the other leagues. So if you know any other posters that would be interested, please spread the word.
4. I am currently planning on drafting in both of the leagues next week, with the expectation that we'll be short on people, then if someone wants to join late, they can take over one of my teams. With that said, here are the
tentative plans for next weeks drafts:
USCHO2 - Thursday Oct. 4th
Shirtless Guy
USCHO3 - Friday, October 5th
Fighting Sioux23
Something Brewing
FiveHole: You didn't select Oct. 5th as a day you can draft, but I slotted you there for now, if this doesn't work, I'll have to slide you over to Thursday.
Badgerdude4: You want to be in league with your friend, he didn't select the Friday draft, but you did, will the Friday draft work for both of you?
5. Here is the form that we will be using for drafting -
Draft Form
This should be very easy to use. There are tabs to use for leagues with 6, 7, or 8 team leagues, just use the tabs marked with the correct amount of teams. Whoever administers the draft should simply enter the team names in the list on the side, in the correct draft order, which has yet to be determined. The form will auto-fill the names into the draft board. Everyone that is drafting should have that form open, and we will use the built-in chat feature that Google has. I believe that we won't be able to enter our team names into the chat feature, so when you make a pick, it should be in the format: bigblue_dl - Jason Zucker, F, Denver.
Or, if people can be civil about it, I can turn the spreadsheet on for editing, and you can simply enter your picks directly in the spreadsheet when it is your turn. At that point, the picks will begin to populate the rosters on the other tab, so in the end there will be a complete list of all rosters.
6. I can run the 2 leagues next week, but I
absolutely cannot do it this Thursday. I have a feeling that if we don't have someone as a set administrator, it will end up just being a mess, so
if anyone on the list for Thursday wants to administer that draft, which really won't be too difficult, please let me know.
7. Lastly, for those of you that are new to FCH, I recommend doing some studying, put together a list of players, and have the list of players that left early handy. This will make the whole experience more enjoyable for you and everyone else.