Re: USA Hockey National Championships
Completely agree. No one is making you go and it is a great experience for the girls. Those that are there are really excited. Its a big deal for most of them. They have reached the pinnacle of their sport at their age. No doubt it could be run better. It should be a far bigger experience than a regular tournament. That is up to the host and USA Hockey. This year was a disappointment.
4. Fund it by charging every team competing in a state and regional a "nationals' fee". In other words, if you are vying for nationals, you pay, whether you go or not.
The idea about charging all teams a "Nationals" fee to offset some costs is a pretty good idea. Its not cheap to go to Nationals but its not anymore expensive than any other tournament. The problem is that those "fees" would probably just be kept by USA Hockey so the individual teams would like never get any benefit. It would simply be another tax.
With regard to the complaint about missing school, that's a valid concern but if your player can't juggle school and hockey, they need to either find another team or give up hockey.
It's true that Nationals are expensive, but in my opinion it is a great experience for the girls and does wonders for self-confidence and maturity - you can always not play if you don't want to spend the money or time. With regards to the timing of district qualification tournaments, the MA U16 and U19 national tournaments are held over Thanksgiving weekend so these folks have 3-4 months to make travel reservations to Nationals and get reasonable rates. At the U14 level it is still held in March (not really sure why). But it is up to the local districts to schedule their qualifying tournaments, not USA Hockey - you should be complaining to your local district if you have a problem with the timing.
Completely agree. No one is making you go and it is a great experience for the girls. Those that are there are really excited. Its a big deal for most of them. They have reached the pinnacle of their sport at their age. No doubt it could be run better. It should be a far bigger experience than a regular tournament. That is up to the host and USA Hockey. This year was a disappointment.
4. Fund it by charging every team competing in a state and regional a "nationals' fee". In other words, if you are vying for nationals, you pay, whether you go or not.
The idea about charging all teams a "Nationals" fee to offset some costs is a pretty good idea. Its not cheap to go to Nationals but its not anymore expensive than any other tournament. The problem is that those "fees" would probably just be kept by USA Hockey so the individual teams would like never get any benefit. It would simply be another tax.
With regard to the complaint about missing school, that's a valid concern but if your player can't juggle school and hockey, they need to either find another team or give up hockey.