Re: University of North Dakota Hockey: 2011-2012
I don't give a **** what you say I would be willing to bet if we looked at the members on that commission there would be quite a few left wing liberals...
The US Commission on Civil Rights is a bipartisan 8 member commission consisting of no more than 4 members of any political party. In 2001, the USCCR voted 5-2 to approve the recommendation to end the use of Indian names and mascots at non-Indian schools (with one vote abstained). The 2001 USCCR consisted of 4 Republicans and 4 Democrats.
Dear Clueless. It happened in 2009. Here are the details. "The Sioux already sued the board of education to keep the nickname and
they were successful when the state legislature had rescued the board of education from a no win situation lawsuit".
No, it was not successful and no, the legislature did not rescue the SBOE.

Do you lay awake at night and make this crap up? A
ND District judge threw the ridiculous case out in just over a month after filing, primarily because the judge stated the SBOE has the constitutional right to govern the ND institutions under their jurisdiction.
Incidentally, that hasn't changed since the SBOE voted 8-0 in 2001 mandating UND to retain the nickname. This against the wishes of then UND Pres. Kupchella, whom after considerable protest by a number of groups and organizations, believed the nickname should be retired. BTW, the SBOE 8-0 vote came a few days after Ralph Engelstad sent a letter to Kupchella stating that if the nickname was changed, he would halt construction of the hockey arena. So blame Ralphie for being racially insensitive and the SBOE for selling their souls to a Nazi for fame and fortune.
In 2007 the SBOE filed a lawsuit against the NCAA, lost the case and was subsequently required by a contract settlement agreement to retire the name. Then the knuckledraggers in the ND legislature got involved this year, screwed up and made this mess a lot worse by passing the unconstitutional and racially insensitive Fighting Sioux bill. All that essentially did was make the ND legislature now appear callously insensitive to minority issues.
NCAA sanctions could have been avoided if the ND legislature wouldn't have passed the "Bonehead" bill, making a timely and systematic retiring of the nickname virtually impossible for UND. Now the procedure is such that before the ND legislature can officially proceed with proper due process within the House and Senate to repeal the law, NCAA sanctions MUST be imposed first. So UND is their own state government. Blame Carlson as the collossal airhead who somehow convinced other airheads in the State House and Senate, not to mention the honorable Governor that this bill would change the NCAA's mind. Now they look amazingly stupid, appearing as though they're surprised while holding their d*ck's in their hands.
What is most unfortunate in this unbelievable legal catastrophe, and what apparently the UND biased cohort of your ND elected officials did not comprehend, is by enacting the "Bonehead" bill, they have now essentially catalyzed an extremely volatile and racially divisive controversy within ND borders at the grassroots level between NA and non-NA. I certainly hope I'm wrong here, but it seems inevitable that racial slurs, discrimination and violence against Native Americans may escalate and turn ugly over the next few months. This will not fair well with both the State of ND and UND's reputation for a season.
Will they now need permission from the tribes before they get rid of the nickname?
Have a feeling the Spirit Lake tribal members may have their day in court again soon. Let the NCAA try to impose sanctions. That way the Spirit Lake Sioux will have their chance to persuade the NCAA that their decision is wrong
You have a feeling about a Spirit Lake lawsuit?

When are you going to get it? From an inferential stats perspective, the relative frequency probability based upon the NCAA's past history of recanting regarding the matter of retiring Indian mascots and nicknames without namesake tribe approval has a p value = 1. That means they will NEVER, EVER change their mind...period.