Re: University of North Dakota '19-'20 Season Thread - There's this Tournament in Mar
The clown show continues on the GPL.
I guess I really don't understand the obsession with monitoring GPL.
Without even checking out their threads, I will predict:
When the team is going well you will read this:
1. A few overly enthusiastic posters who have already booked Frozen Four rooms.
2. Some excessively cautious posters warning it can all fall to to pieces in a matter of a game or two.
3. Lots of enthusiasm for the new players on the team, and marveling at their skills.
4. Statements like, "this is what I was saying we should do back when our team sucked a year or two ago."
5. A sizable amount of
schadenfreude over any misery fans of our biggest rivals may be going through.
6. Excessive joy over the dumpster fire that is our rivals' message boards.
When the team is running bad you will read:
1. Demands, in the form of "questions" for changes to the coaching staff.
2. Questions about how much of a pass earlier success should buy the current staff.
3. Complaints about the underachievements of the current players.
4. Complaints that the current coaching staff can't recruit.
5. Demands that half the current roster of incoming recruits have their offers revoked.
6. Insults made about the fans of the team's biggest rivals.
You know how I know that? Because that is what you will see on every single college team's message board.