A grab-bag of thoughts:
-Obviously the ending stings. But I don't think they played as conservative as they did on Chestnut Hill last week, they were still looking to get up ice and into the zone and did so a few times. To me, this felt like less of a Maine collapse and more of a Terrier rally to get the goal they needed, as opposed to last week which definitely felt more like a Maine collapse than an Eagle rally.
-I don't remember BU being this slimy and annoying to play against in recent seasons, felt like a new thing to me for this year. They were a very undisciplined and frankly just kind of obnoxious, which I just don't recall being the case the last couple of years.
-I thought they were better defensively tonight than last night, less bad giveaways and mostly limited the amount of BUs high quality chances.
-I've shouted him out a few times already this season, but Boija is a monster. He's so cool in the crease and is very fundamentally sound, always seems to be in the right position and has good vision. I wouldn't blame either goal or the SO winner on him.
-I'm extremely glad that Mathieu Caron is a senior this season. It just seems that for whatever reason Maine can't do a ton of damage to him and he knows what to look for against our shooters. Obviously we can expect BU to get a stud goalie as a replacement, but not seeing him anymore after this year will be a welcome sight, at least to me.
-This last one isn't really about the game, but it was a very sharp dressed weekend. I think Maine's whites and BUs reds are my two favorite sweaters in all of Hockey East, so when they come up to pay us a visit it's always a visually pleasing experience.