Your Team Sucks
Going to be a crazy ending here i think
That’s why you can’t sit back and cling to a lead. BC has a ton of skill and they turned it on at the end and outcompeted Maine when it counted.
Maine lockeroom wont be a great place to be right now. Basically choked under the pressure.
Long season but that was a clinic on thinking it was over when you're up 2 to 0 with 10 minutes left. Let's see what they are made of Sunday but this was not a good loss.
What maine team is this
Losing Mitton hurt over the course of that game. On a terrible call.
It was disappointing, but it is all a learning experience at this point of the season. We are not going 41-1-2! Good for the team, good for the coaches. Not a 50 minute game! This is a very good Maine team! They will learn from this.
Now that Maine shot its wad for the weekend, what do we hope Maine learns after Sunday’s 6-1 loss?
BC hit how many posts tonight? How many times did they get behind the D who got bailed out by Boija in his best performance as a Black Bear?…he has not strung two great games together yet, but maybe the one day rest will prove me wrong