Re: Union Hockey 2011-2012 Season Thread "We Can See Cleary Now"
Excellent weekend by the team and two very satisfying wins.. congratulations to the coaches & players. I've kinda been of the opinion that these outdoor games are a bit of a gimmick, but it actually looked like a pretty interesting and intense game. It really does bring the game back to its roots where you are not only playing your opponent, but also the weather and rink conditions. I played a few outdoor games back in my youth hockey days and several of them were quite memorable, including one where it was -20F. Sounds like the team had a great experience playing at Fenway and was nice they were invited. As for Saturday's game, was really pleased that the boys had some jump in the first period and pretty much sucked the life out of the engineers early. Worst thing you can do is give a team that is down any confidence. Also have to say I feel a little bad for Seth Appert and company.. there is definitely an unhappy vibe emanating from Troy.
I'll also climb on the Taylor Reid bandwagon and say how impressed I've been with his play. I thought he actually looked pretty good the couple times he played last year too, so I'm glad to see him get one last chance to really contribute. I think this type of situation has become one of the strengths of the program and sends a really strong message that no matter how far down the depth chart a player is, they still can get a chance if they continue to work hard.
IMO these two games won't ultimately do much for Union in the PWR, but they obviously are a big help in the league standings. The two games next weekend have me worried though, as these are two teams that U has had serious matchup problems with. Yale has actually had problems with just about everyone else in the league, but if U gives them too much space and tries to skate with them, it will get ugly quickly. And Brown has flat out been a consistent problem for about a decade now.. These are two really big games.