Anyone else kind of troubled by this quote from Union President David Harris?
Sounds like he is stepping in it again. Last time it was his desire to do away with free speech because it might offend someone. That caused one of my classmates to withhold his $25,000 yearly contribution. Hard to convince a baby boomer and war protester that free speech is bad if it upsets a snowflake's feelings. How about 58,000 of your generation coming home in body bags.
Harris painted his fingernails in solidarity. Great. Meanwhile, the best minds at HBS are fortelling a time when 3/4 of today's colleges will no longer be in existence. One would hope Harris's focus would be on more strategic issues. What steps should we be taking now to ensure survival?
The only way we can compete in DI hockey, given that we do not offer scholarships and do not have the name recognition or academic attraction of the ivy's, is to make sure that the entire ecosystem is aligned in support of the hockey program. That means the faculty, the students, the local fans, the alumni, the parents, the athletic department, the president, etc. If Harris does not want to support the program the same way that Stephen Ainley did, then you can kiss future winning seasons goodbye. Lots of seats will go empty like Clarkson/St Lawrence. Less money for other athletic programs and pressure to return to D-III.
Back in the 1950s and 1960's Union was second tier academically when it had 600 students (all boys). Its strength was pre-med and engineering and especially electrical engineering as Steinmetz was on the EE faculty. Its been drifting downward since as its hard to attract the best and brightest when your home is Schenectady, NY. This also applies to RPI which was considered one of the top engineers schools in the country back then.
David Harris comes from Cornell and Tufts University. These schools and their environments are very far removed from any notion of real world reality. Schenectady is not Ithaca or Cambridge/Somerville. Think more working class.
I think the jury is still out on Harris. If he turns out he is another Rogar Hull, it will be a disaster for the program and the school.