Re: UNH Wildcats 2017 Off-season: The Clash Question
Then shame on UNH for not locking them up on Saturday. Speaking of Walshy, he would have. Completely serious, it's a competition, the sooner they realize that the better.
You do know the most current National Championship trophy is sitting in that megalopolis of Grand Forks, ND, correct?
No, we don't, sorry. The only one that's going to excite is you, and a bunch of other guys on the far side of 50. Some 17 year old from Long Island isn't going to give two craps if Jamie Hislop is in the building. Echo chamber?
I presume you are not a UNH fan at all and when a top kid says he will commit on Monday and needs the time to be sure it is a right fit, you give them the time. If all you want to do is win without any ethics or morals, why coach hockey at the college level. This is about academics and growth over four important years of their life. Walsh was a rule breaker and yes he won 2 titles, but I prefer a coach who wins and really is interested in the student athletes lives and futures. I know at BC where I presume you are from, they have bright kids who will do well in a life outside of hockey. We have had academic stars as well and though it would be great to win a national championship, it is far more important to prepare these kids for life.
They are an aberration at North Dakota as that is all they have for the winter months in that area and a wealthy donor built a world class rink. I am envious and they recruit very well but rarely run up against the Hockey East teams for talent. They are a first choice school of many in the mid-west, west and western Canada. On average, the kids in the eastern US have shown a preference over the last decade for cities and UNH won far more battles with the Boston schools in the early 2000's than later. Yes I do know where North Dakota is EJ and it would be great if we had an arena and a rich benefactor to help us.
I want former player's families to come to UNH and I agree that Jamie Hislop may not mean much to a 17 year old as you fairly state, it would be nice for more former players would bring their families to games. Most have kids and it is better to keep them fans of UNH rather than BC or BU if they live in the Boston area. For alumni night, the house should pick up the tab and it is important to the UNH family that they keep in touch and participate in the program. If you are Jerry York posting on this sight, I would listen closely to your insights but I am doubtful that you ever coached or played hockey and you rip our coaching staff and players whenever you show up on the board. This is a fan forum, not a rip on everyone and their ideas to get one's jollys.
If you really are a UNH fan, please stop by 104 M 8 at the Whit, and I would like to hear your thoughts on improving our hockey program. I kind of doubt that might happen, but it would give me pleasure to have you visit and give your real insights and what Mike Souza might do to make us a top 10 team for the next 10 years.
I am leaving the forum again and I know you will write some snide comment. I am pretty sure you could care less about UNH and there will be a barrage of Umile stealing money and we will not win more than 14 games and ......
My biggest hope is that we fill the house often this year and have a great summer and I will see those who go to games in October.
Please do not beat up the kids that play for our team and have fun belittling UNH's greatest coach in any sport as he is a great man and just brushes it off. He is fair game but please try to stop the hate and venom on this sight. Umile is better at his job then most everyone else on this sight. He has had some down years but his body of work is as good as it gets at UNH. I know Coach Souza is going to be great and though he is a nice guy with strong morals and values, he plays well to families and recruits. He has closed the deal without leaving a bad taste and without using high pressure tactics. My best guess is that there is not a single person on this board that would do a better job than the UNH hockey staff at recruiting or coaching.
Yes UNH messed up with Vecchione and a few others, but the body of work is better than most.
UNH does bring at least one private school hockey team to the Whit for almost every game. They also have a hockey camp and they also have most of the best 16-18 year old players in the country at the Whittemore Center thanks to Borek and Umile. There are scouts and coaches there and at Exeter for a 3 day showcase.
Best wishes to all and their families on USCHO. For those UNH fans that know me, please keep in touch via email. Keep posting the good news CHC as there will be quite a few new recruits in the new year as we have 7 graduating this year.