Hello again everyone, this is Ramona, Mr. G's caregiver.
First off, I was happy that Mr. G left all of his logins and passwords to me for safekeeping, in case he should lose his mental faculties. I honestly cannot understand why he chose to identify himself as "GrouchyUNHer"! Please understand that this gentleman is a joy to be around, always positive and update, and yes, a bit flirtatious with me and the other members of our staff!
There is not much information at this time. His condition continues to be very critical at this time, but stable. He opened his eyes very slightly today, saw me standing there and I believe that he was trying to say "Charlie.....Charlie......" but then he drifted back off to sleep.
Your prayers and positive thoughts have helped tremendously, please keep them coming! And as a reminder, Happy Oaks has a very strict "NO VISITORS" policy in effect, and rooms, hallways, and common areas are constantly swept of uncredentialed individuals, recording devices, and unattended packages. Please honor our residents right to privacy! I will continue to keep you posted on Mr. G's progress.
With Kind Regards,