First and foremost, a huge thank you DeltaBravo for your work in getting answers.
Second, I assumed Marty was stupid and deferential, but this smacks of malice. Going out the door, saddling your successor with your mistake and handcuffing her from making her own decision. President Dean, did you know of this? It's kind of sad to say the President should have watched the AD on his way out the door because he couldn't be trusted, but that's what it looks like now. How does any person not motivated by greed look at the miserable results in 7 years, and say "I need to reward you with a two year extension"? That's like Dombrowski giving Pablo Sandoval a two year extension. I can certainly understand Borek's joy at beating UNH each year. I apologize for minimizing your gripes out the door about how screwed up the team and AD were and how you were the only competent one running the ship. Results have proven you far more right than we could have imagined.
Third, AD Rich is now mostly off the hook -- her hands are pretty much tied unless the outs in the contract provide some leeway.
The Granato discussion focused on buyout clauses allowing the school to offset their payout if the coach finds a new job. Souza, at 240K, won't find that again, but might be able to find a job at 50, so the buyout would be reduced to 190K or so. Can they structure the new coach so the actual yearly cash flow is minimally impacted -- lower in 2023-24, then higher in subsequent years. Not the greatest way to entice competent coaches. Let's hope AD Rich negotiated enough of a budget to do the needed buyout. If they can waste millions on narrowing the rink to "help" the program, shouldn't the $200K buyout be money far better spent?
And finally, this is on Souza, too. If he truly loves the University as he says, he should resign. But if this is all about money, then he'll hang on for every last cent. Or, more likely, he's a prime example of the Dunning-Kruger effect, in which incompetent people lack the ability to see their own incompetence:
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias whereby people with low ability, expertise, or experience regarding a certain type of task or area of knowledge tend to overestimate their ability or knowledge.
I wonder if AD Rich can help Souza see what's best by making it clear to Souza that he's never getting renewed after 2024, that the U will only minimally support him (is he contractually entitled to two assistants? If we're going to suck in 2023-24, maybe he should do it all because the U needs to save money for a real coach in 2024. And why recruit, if the players may well go elsewhere when the coaching change happens.)
And if Mike Souza hangs on just for the money, I'm all for making it clear to him what the community thinks. My prior pleas for compassion toward him during the fait acompli last 3 months has changed once I saw this is not the end.
And Scarano should never be permitted back on the campus without jeering at every moment. For all the talk about "loving the university," for him and Umile it was always about getting your's first at the expense of the University. Let's see if Souza is cut from the same cloth.