Chuck Murray
WIS & Effingwoods Hockey Almanac
UNH (3-11-1) vs. HC (3-12-1). Attendance 408. Glad I went to the football game. Watching on NESN+ I didn't see any quit, thought we played okay. Once again we can't finish, hit multiple posts/crossbar and made the opposing goalie, a three year Bentley transfer with a total of 18 GP (3.32, 8.91), look like Kenny Dryden. Lack of rebound control or a defensive rebound clear cost us in OT. The football 'cats seek revenge at Fitton field in 6 days!
Serious question - is this the least-attended game UNH Hockey has competed in since the dawn of the Hockey East era? Has to be (putting aside any virus-related quirks of the last couple of years, of course?)? For context, please note that UNH Basketball is averaging more than 600 so far this season, and they are currently off to a typically-meh 2-3 start to the season. Men's Soccer averaged 1,600 per game for 11 home games.
Wasn't all that long ago that UNH could bank on at least 408 traveling fans to support them for most road games within an hour of campus, and that figure would slide easily into the multiple thousands for postseason games at neutral sites. And now it's fallen to "friends and family" for 90 minute treks to rinky-dink Atlantic Hockey barns. Make no mistake, we are watching the complete, utter collapse of what has long been UNH's flagship team/sport. Sad.
But arguably the most frustrating aspect of this collapse is the matching lack of any apparent journalistic interest in prodding around the program for any answers or insight into what's gone so spectacularly wrong?
So in the interests of all on here who are wondering not only what's gone wrong, but why it's gone wrong - both in more distant times over the past decade and more recent past, and who is going to do what (and when) to turn this sinking ship around, I'm gonna activate my Effingwoods Hockey Almanac investigative persona, and offer any past or current UNH player, coach and/or admin type, or knowledgeable non-UNH persons total and complete anonymity to have a frank conversation about the events and the decisions that have led the program to its current state of disrepair. Just reach out to me via the IM feature on this board, be prepared to prove who you are, and we can work out the details from that point forward. If the Union Leader or Foster's/Seacoast Online or Concord Monitor won't do it, I will.
Thanks for your consideration.