It really exposed the school's burgeoning "woke" presence being on par with so much of academia nationwide, plus the lack of support from so-called friends and colleagues was disgusting.
That whole situation knocked UNH down a few pegs in my estimation. If I'm being honest, they haven't yet recovered. Our eldest had already graduated by the time of the noted event(s), but our youngest was still enrolled and wouldn't graduate for another year or two. As it now stands, I've only been back in the building once for a trade show since the Wuhan Flu, so I'm probably closer to putting my UNH fandom on long-term ice than even I realize. Which would be a shame.
The Men's Soccer team got me to make a few trips across the street last Fall - we'll see about the rink soon enough, but my own coaching commitments are about to kick in shortly, so it may be a challenge to get up the motivation to see a rudderless last place team in a half-empty building in the middle of winter on a rare "conflict-free" game night, when other options exist.
It's hard to believe I've written this, but it's the plain unvarnished truth. It didn't have to be this way ...