Hate to leave unfinished business hanging, so here are the answers to perhaps the least popular quiz in the history of WIS offseason/preseason quizzes, on the subject of maskless goalies ...
(1) True or False: starting his NHL career in Detroit, and finishing it up in the WHA in Indy, (Andy) Brown is one of the few players to skate on the same teams as Gordie Howe and Wayne Gretzky?
False. Although both shared a bookend career stop in the hockey hotbed of Indianapolis IN, their respective times with the Racers did not overlap, by just over a year
(2) True or False: Gump Worsley retired in the early 1970's, was the second-to-last goalie to ever play mask-less, and also never wore a mask in his over 20 NHL seasons?
True AND False. Gump was the second-to-last maskless goalie, but he did end up wearing a mask in his final NHL season
(3) Who was the last goalie to win a Stanley Cup while not wearing a mask, what team/season?
Rogie Vachon, Montreal 1969, with his backup being the aforementioned Gump Worsley
(4) Brown once held the NHL record for single season PIM's for a goalie. Who holds it now?
Not surprisingly,
Ron Hextall
(5) Who was the last Bruins' goalie to play an NHL game without a face mask?
Eddie Johnston went maskless for roughly a full season after Gerry Cheevers first donned his famous "saved stitches" mask. Johnston was eventually convinced to see the benefits of using the protective mask after a life-threatening pregame incident at the Olympia Stadium in Detroit on Halloween night in 1968, when a stray Bobby Orr slapshot put him in a coma for 6 weeks
Some great B's and Bobby Orr stories mentioned in the linked article below. Vividly remember as a kid, driving on Route 1 in Rowley MA (small North Shore town between Topsfield and Newburyport), and seeing "EJ's" bar by the roadside. Several of my cousins growing up lived in the same town as many of the B's players and their families, so we would hear interesting little stories all the time about what some of the guys did off the ice. Let's just say that EJ isn't exaggerating when he says things got a little hectic off the ice with the Big Bad B's back in the day!
NHL -- Eddie Johnston is more than the Pittsburgh Penguins' good-luck charm (espn.com)