Two more weekends.
BU and UVM?
Two more weekends.
BU and UVM?
Immediate hole (again) with 2 powerplay goals against, fighting uphill against a bad team.
Opponents are 28/82 on PP, 34% That's just attrocious. Previous worst during past 15 years was .22%
Somehow we are getting back in it!
and one on a delayed penalty
Well that was fun. Watched most of it on the plane. Glad to land. Hitting the nearest bar to start my Fla vacation. #NoDefense
If I were Stewie, I'd start updating my resume.......
You do have to figure, even if MS7 does get the expected reprieve, at least one of his assistants will be scapegoated, and be forced to "walk the plank" at this rate, barring a miraculous turnaround in the program's fortunes over the next 3 weekends.
It would be tough on GS, who's the longest tenured of the 3 full time staff, and probably had designs on the top job until MS7 was tabbed as Umile's successor early on in Stewie's tenure. But if he's charged with the PK unit, that's a poor reflection. Wrong place, wrong time, etc.
This continues to look like a program whose results are underperforming for the talent on the roster. It's not a Top Four team mind you, but it should be a middle-of-the-pack team, and it's not there (again); the "quantity over quality" mediocrity of the Borek years have been flushed for some time now. MS7 has been running the recruiting for about 6 years, and running the entire show for half of that time. The results are not getting better. He keeps running Robinson out there for every game, it still feels to me like he's coaching for his job next year. IF BS+infinity is going to make a move, it should be a clean sweep.
THEN it gets interesting. Mike Ayers (now at BC) has to know he's not going to be Coach York's successor, so he'd arguably be in the mix if UNH does "business as usual" ... OR would the "nationwide search" actually finally happen if Ayers isn't their guy?
I know that's getting WAY ahead of things, but right now it appears the program is treading water, and unfortunately the water is not at the deep end, but rather at the "kiddie pool" level. Not good ...
Post game Souza goes to his usual we have to be better I have to coach better mantra. Well...then do it!! There is no way with the talent you mention we should be playing this way. As per Mike Ayers being in the mix hmmm that would be interesting but still doubting any real change is going to happen in the foreseeable future. Guess time will tell.
Coach Umile also had to earn his stripes at UNH, and didn't get his long, relaxed ride into the sunset without first dragging a mediocre program into a new building, and then into a solid two decades' worth of very consistent success. Six years into Umile's tenure, there were already lots of reasons for optimism, and the best was clearly still yet to come. There's not even a faint indication so far that MS7 is leading the program in the right direction ...
Puzzled by this "talent" you speak of....isn't the narrative that Souza has done a terrible job recruiting?
But now UNH is a talented team that is underperforming?
Just echoing Chucks point that while this team isn't "top tier" they certainly aren't 5-13 or whatever the record is...Hear your point. But...maybe I am being too generous. Good for MC..going 2-0-2 against UNH in any given year must be a positive. Bet Scott Borek enjoyed it.. It's a beautiful day in Fla!