You're dating yourself! Kids have it a lot better than they did back in the day. There is a reason student attendance is way down across all sports. I'm sure there are a lot of kids who want to be able to do something in person, but the potential threat of a hard 14 day quarantine would make me think twice and I'm sure a lot of kids will think the same way. Keep in mind UNH is a bottom three team at the minute. It's not like they're going to watch the great UNH teams of days gone by.
You're either missing my point, or we're just talking past each other (maybe both?) ... this isn't about the quality of the on-ice or even the off-ice experience at The Whitt, or long term attendance trends. It's about an EVENT. Something they've been deprived of by their elder "betters" for the better part of a year now, and something some of them may never get a chance to do during their remaining time at UNH as undergrads, ever again. You give the students a chance to go yell in public and blow off some steam after living these cloistered lives ... and you seriously think most of them are going to think, "Nah, I'm worried about getting the 'Rona, no thanks, I'll pass" when the punishment - 14 days "hard" quarantine - is really not all that different from the monotonous everyday reality they've been living on campus since pretty much September?!?!?
Dial things back to last Spring for a moment ... did Spring Break in Florida cease to exist OR did it go on anyways, maybe with a few less kids? You know the answer. College kids are still kids, they're not worried about paying the mortgage, they don't care if the market is up or down, they aren't worried about getting the flu shot. That all comes later, for most anyway.
Give them an EVENT, and many of the kids will want to be there, either to see what's on display, or to be with friends, or just to be seen and be part of something in the community. They don't need to be hockey fans, or football fans if the Friday Night Football thing comes to pass. Just like not everyone at a BLM march is a SJW, and not everyone at Trump rally is a right-wing gun-toting lunatic. We used to have things like parades and circuses, and you didn't have to love drum & bugle music, or the smell of fresh camel manure out on Main St. in Your Town USA, to just come out and enjoy the EVENT.
This EVENT would be all about the novelty of an experience, too long withheld from folks young enough to not be bothered by abstract worries that will eventually creep up and bother them as they get older. Kids still think they are bulletproof, and it's because, for the most part, they still are.
Maybe it's you who's showing your age, eh Drew?