Chuck Murray
WIS & Effingwoods Hockey Almanac
Just a few pesky nits to pick ...
I remember, back in the bad ol' days of the USCHO Boards, when the Chestnut Hillbillies would often run amok with some fantastical narratives, which when left unchecked would take on a life of their own. And hence it is with the current narrative of "Florida, Texas and Georgia should have done what well-managed (*guffaw*) states like New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts did, now they're getting theirs for not listening". Yet, once again, the up-to-date hard numbers tell a FAR different tale.
Not too long ago, I was pointing out that FL-TX-GA had slightly less total cases combined than Massachusetts alone, with 9-10 times more residents in those combined larger states. And while that's no longer true, all three (3) of those bigger states still have less individually than does itty bitty Dark Blue RINO managed MA. And while combined they now have twice the total deaths of MA, it still indicates you are about four (4) to five (5) times as likely to die with COVID in MA than in those other 3 larger states combined.
This says nothing about New York and New Jersey, whose numbers still rank them as the worst COVID managed states.
So if you're selling DeSantis or Kemp being "disasterous", I'm not buying. And the data is decidedly (still) on my side.
That's good news for everyone, right?
Anyway …
You can absolutely positively take a swipe at me in good faith and good nature. I stand behind my point. In an election year, it's all about politics. Vaccines, riots, "science", things contrary to the MSM/liberal narrative disappearing from the Internet, etc. If the guy hiding in his basement wins on November 3rd, the "return to normalcy" narrative will magically spring out of the depths of darkness, slowly but steadily, as the country approaches the inauguration. And if the 77% of conservatives (all way more motivated than their opponents, even based on MSM polls) who have been keeping their powder dry come out in force like I expect them to … well, then it's probably going to be another 4 year temper tantrum by the MSM, more silly made-up narratives, and maybe the Dems find their way back to the middle, and crawl back from their socialist-to-communist perch?
Dare to dream, eh?
As far as Portland goes, it's a fairly big city, no doubt. Never been there, and have no desire to visit. You could have nightly riots at the Moakley Courthouse/Seaport District in Boston for two straight months, and there's a very good chance no one living on Beacon Hill would be any the wiser for it. But it doesn't mean it's not happening. I'm not sure from your wording if you guys are laughing about how the riots have been dubbed "peaceful protests" OR at supposedly peaceful protests being dubbed "riots"?
It's funny, but that's a very good description of what the NHL does look like these days to me, too.
We gotta get goalies up off their knees, that's still my crusade - more athletes, less space-fillers.
Not sure if those are "flare ups." Even the official numbers out of Florida, which are suspect, show an out of control virus, hence Trump and DeSantis' drop in ratings.
I disagree about you calling it "rooting." The knowledgeable people were trying to head it off by yelling at Kemp and DeSantis about their errors. Pointing out how disasterous their decisions were is not rooting for carnage.
I remember, back in the bad ol' days of the USCHO Boards, when the Chestnut Hillbillies would often run amok with some fantastical narratives, which when left unchecked would take on a life of their own. And hence it is with the current narrative of "Florida, Texas and Georgia should have done what well-managed (*guffaw*) states like New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts did, now they're getting theirs for not listening". Yet, once again, the up-to-date hard numbers tell a FAR different tale.
Not too long ago, I was pointing out that FL-TX-GA had slightly less total cases combined than Massachusetts alone, with 9-10 times more residents in those combined larger states. And while that's no longer true, all three (3) of those bigger states still have less individually than does itty bitty Dark Blue RINO managed MA. And while combined they now have twice the total deaths of MA, it still indicates you are about four (4) to five (5) times as likely to die with COVID in MA than in those other 3 larger states combined.
This says nothing about New York and New Jersey, whose numbers still rank them as the worst COVID managed states.
So if you're selling DeSantis or Kemp being "disasterous", I'm not buying. And the data is decidedly (still) on my side.
That's good news for everyone, right?
Anyway …
And yes, I did swipe at you for the November 3rd thing, because it makes no sense in any reality (I even left stand your "Antifa" reference. As an aside, my brother in law in RI is a foxer, and expressed concern about his sister in Portland and the riots, even as she has laughed with us about the peaceful protests.)
You can absolutely positively take a swipe at me in good faith and good nature. I stand behind my point. In an election year, it's all about politics. Vaccines, riots, "science", things contrary to the MSM/liberal narrative disappearing from the Internet, etc. If the guy hiding in his basement wins on November 3rd, the "return to normalcy" narrative will magically spring out of the depths of darkness, slowly but steadily, as the country approaches the inauguration. And if the 77% of conservatives (all way more motivated than their opponents, even based on MSM polls) who have been keeping their powder dry come out in force like I expect them to … well, then it's probably going to be another 4 year temper tantrum by the MSM, more silly made-up narratives, and maybe the Dems find their way back to the middle, and crawl back from their socialist-to-communist perch?
Dare to dream, eh?
As far as Portland goes, it's a fairly big city, no doubt. Never been there, and have no desire to visit. You could have nightly riots at the Moakley Courthouse/Seaport District in Boston for two straight months, and there's a very good chance no one living on Beacon Hill would be any the wiser for it. But it doesn't mean it's not happening. I'm not sure from your wording if you guys are laughing about how the riots have been dubbed "peaceful protests" OR at supposedly peaceful protests being dubbed "riots"?
Try baskeball and baseball. More enjoyable. Pro hockey has gotten way too random for me. Give me a college game where a player can make plays rather than just be in a pinball where they touch the puck for maybe 3 seconds. If I wanted to see a pinball machine, I'd go down to the arcade.
It's funny, but that's a very good description of what the NHL does look like these days to me, too.
We gotta get goalies up off their knees, that's still my crusade - more athletes, less space-fillers.