Again ... you realize the combined populations of those 3 states is approx. 60 million, correct? While Massachusetts has just under 7 million population, or roughly nine (9) times less than of those combined states? So, multiply MA deaths by a factor of 9, and you're around 75,000-80,000. TX-FL-GA are still (combined) only approaching 11,000. That's seven (7) times the overall rate. So despite the exaggerated so-called "spikes" in those oft-mentioned Red states, it is still far worse in Blue MA.
Let's match up Red TX-FL-GA (combined 66 million population) with Blue CA-NY-MA (66 million) ... should be right about the same amount, arguably with slightly more (10%?) in the Blue states. In actuality ... 11,000 deaths in the 3 Red states, and approaching 50,000 in the 3 Blue states. That's more than four (4) times the rate. Interestingly, CA has less COVID deaths than MA - although supposedly CA is another "hot spot" (often overlooked by the agenda driven MSM), so even if numbers continue to creep in the Red states, the CA numbers are also likely to at least match those increases.
NH also has one-fifth the population of adjoining MA, so multiplying our deaths by a factor of five (5) still only gets us to around 2,000 which is less than a quarter of the MA death rate. Rhode Island interestingly enough, has a rate only slightly below the MA rate. CT's rate is pretty much level with MA.
Predictably, the ghoulish MSM that once crowed about death figures, has now abandoned them so they can again shift the goalposts to overall positive tests, now that testing has expanded, and the average age of the positive tests have shrunken, meaning that well over 99% of those tests will not result in fatality. As this graph shows, deaths have trended steadily and substantially down over the last 12 weeks:
Interestingly, any (minor) increase in deaths seems (not-so-coincidentally) timed in the direct aftermath of the widespread riots (
oops I'm not supposed to say that, am I?) in the big (virtually entirely Blue) cities. But even that slight uptick is heading back down.
The science says, kids are safe, schools have opened safely in other parts of the world, the Bundesliga and Premiership have or will be completing their FULL seasons by this time next weekend, fans are being allowed back into Aussie Football games already (reduced numbers) and the Premier League will be doing the same by October, with full capacity expected by the end of the year (December festive season). Yet our rich, whiny athletes and "woke" owners in North America continue to resist, for different reasons.
The game is up, and only fools are being fooled anymore. Sadly, it's really all just about politics now.
We played along long enough, now it's time to get back to normal. As in, the old normal.
And just as I say that, UNH announces it has "postponed" - not cancelled - its Fall Sports season ... shocking ... not