Of course, it's no coincidence testing has increased in those states over the same time period.
Yet Massachusetts still leads Georgia, Florida and Texas in deaths ... COMBINED.
3 states each individually bigger than MA population-wise, seven (7) times as much combined.
Amazing how folks object to good news on the virus when it doesn't fit their narrative … Dems and alarmists (but I repeat myself) were poised to "pounce" all over those states when they opened, and then … pffffffffffffffffffffffffftttttttttttttttttt …
Why wouldn't that be GREAT news for the rest of us? Can someone try to explain that to me?
HR - my apologies, here's the skinny … I was going to post my "solution" to getting fans "safely" in the stands for the UNH Hockey season, but paused long enough to let a speedway down in Elon NC "steal" my brilliant idea - which was to call their event a "protest against inequality" to justify getting 2,000 fans into their small grandstands. Of course, this was exploiting the very obvious contradiction of "stay safe, stay home" Dem policy, which has recently been overridden by the anti-police protests. Didn't hear the "Karens" scolding folks about violating "social distancing" in those events, which kind of exposes the whole thing as a charade. Now our President is talking about resuming his campaign rallies, and the "Karens" are out again in force, totally oblivious to the whopping (and self-serving) contradiction of when/how to enforce social distancing. I mean … please.
My thought was that UNH should have Mark Robinson come up to speak in support of the "protest against inequality" like he did down in Elon NC this past weekend. Positive message, and you could sell the usual 3,000 tickets without a problem …
Satire always works SO well when you have to spell it out, step by step …