Re: UNH 2020 Off-Season Thread: That Rinky-Shrinky Thang And Other Lively Banter
Hey, all high and mighty, Ray Dorn. I do not think that I owe Chuck or anyone else here any apologies. However, Chuck does owe me several beers at Libby's for my wins in his trivia contests.
Nope, Snives, you're almost always in my good book. And sad to admit, yes, I do still owe you and a couple of others some beers from past off-season contests. I've made good with HR (and I do think one other since), but rest assured, I've not forgotten you or a couple of others on that list.
What follows next may be the most unintentionally hilarious post I've seen on this forum in years, only because <s>Francis</s> Dan "admits" he has "taken the bait", when it wasn't even being laid out for him (or for most of the regular posters on here) …
Lol, youre revisionist views of your own behavior and your own ever changing ideas never cease to amaze me. If you’re waiting for an apology from me you better get comfortable. I don’t engage in the conversation with you any longer because you are simply not worth engaging with. You are disingenuous and have never been interested in honest conversation On political issues - not matter how hard you try to convince yourself of the opposite. I wouldn’t assume anything from my silence on the topic in this thread unless you want me to make assumptions on your deafening silence and absence in the many threads still actually dedicated to this topic...
You went from COVID is nothing, to COvID in the US will never approach Italy levels to COVID will never approach bad flu levels to death happens (but economy) in a matter of weeks and you still can’t resist taking a victory lap after 100000 deaths in three months (despite necessary and massive implementations and active under counting). Youre new herd immunity take is nice, how many more hundreds of thousands did you want to sacrifice to move past this on Chuck Murray’s time frame and Chuck Murray’s time frame alone?
You’re takes have proven off base again and again, but I guess you can’t be ‘wrong’ if you continue to move the goal posts and never have any conviction or consistency in your takes. I haven’t felt the need to rejoin the conversation because my stance remains the same - this is a serious issue and preventable deaths should be prevented - and can be prevented with measures that also allow for economic protection. If you feel the need to speak on this regularly to announce that your opinion and reasoning has changed - once again - that is your prerogative but it no longer interests me...
Congrats on baiting me - now lecture me on how immature I am for responding to your immature bait...
OK, so now here's the best part … I really, truly wasn't aiming this at you. I mean, you and I don't see eye-to-eye, that much has been clear for quite awhile, and I'm OK with that. I've always assumed you were just a younger guy with typically liberal-leaning beliefs, not some fired-up lefty looking to overturn the government. I'm fine with Liberals, but have no time for Lefties. And I've said as much within the last couple of days. You know the old saying "If you're young and not liberal, you have no heart … and if you're old and not conservative, you have no brain", or something like that? That's how I assess the situation with us. NBD.
I don't recall if it was on this thread, or its predecessor, or the one that the Commies over in <s>Faculty Lounge</s> Café hijacked months ago, but there was some serious ***** directed at me - some from Maine folks I used to consider on-line pals - and they've never apologized or taken it back. I remember who, and I promise I won't forget. You'll need to try harder to get onto that list.
Otherwise, on your "content", I'll only say that if you truly believe the US COVID numbers are being underreported, I've got some <s>swampland</s> prime waterfront property on the edge of the WIS Estate with your name on it. There'$ a lot of incentive$ for treater$ and facilitie$ to attach the COVID label to patient$. Believe what you will, but doing what I do, that much I know for fact.
TODAY'S QUIZ: Remember when "CDS" stood for Casey DeSmith?
It now stands for
Answers on a postcard, or to this thread. Winner(s) to be announced tomorrow.
While I'm not one to try and lecture anyone (unless it's absolutely necessary

), I get the impression you've been looking for just the opportunity in this thread to move on the offensive.