Re: UNH 2018 Offseason- Out with the old , in with the semi new?
Didn't Umile try to get Blasi to attend UNH? Kindred spirits of a sort, I guess. UNH has had some pretty tough losses in the post season over the years. But I don't think any of them approach that 2009 NCAA final.
Speaking of how the mighty have fallen, how bad was it sitting in that (at least) half empty arena last night? Chuck, I know you were there a few times when the place was full so you know what I'm talking about. There were so many empty seats I thought the games were being played at Conte Forum. Looking at the (alleged) attendance numbers it appears that as percentage of capacity the numbers at the Garden last night were down as much as the numbers have been at the Whitt. But given the product in recent years you can understand the situation in Durham. You had the top four seeds last night, three of them playing in their hometown. What's Bertagna's excuse?
I can answer.

First off, I don't even know what they "announced." But there were not more than 10,000 there. TOTAL. And they can't use that "well it's the combined total for two games" excuse, because EVERYONE was there at the same time due to the OT. Everyone from the first game was still there and everyone from the second game was there for a period and even at "peak" there were cavernous sections in the balcony that were empty. Also, even though there was a "good" crowd in the lower bowl, it's not like they were jammed together and there were numerous empty seats "in between."
What was it like? Well, I can tell you it was better than last year which was embarrassing (Notre Dame brought nobody and all the Lowell people left, leaving just BU/BC). Regarding three of the four schools from Boston, I believe the students are on break, but even if that's the case, we just don't "travel" (almost an oxymoron in this case) well. But the BU crowd was actually good last night. Many more than BC brought.
I can only tell you that this has been discussed ad nauseum and there were multiple threads addressing it last year. The "old days" are not coming back - as it relates to ANYTHING. The new reality is that ALL college sports have suffered. A combination of many things. Although many of us don't want to admit it, it's not basketball, which is more of a world-wide game. I know in BU's case there is a gigantic foreign student population. Most of those people don't follow or care about hockey. Additionally, most are here for academic purposes. It's not the old days where it was a commuter school and everyone was local and the culture was inherent.
Think about if you have a family of, say, four (of which I saw quite a few last night). That's $200 for the tickets alone (if you bought them at Ticketmaster - and most of us don't have the option to drive in to buy them at the box office - with the 40% surcharge) plus $48 for parking in the Garden garage. Add to that $5.50 for a Coke (for example) - you're going to pay another $75 for food and you have yourself an evening over $300. And then they want you back the next night. And the winner has to think about spending even more at the regionals next weekend. It was almost funny to hear them announce immediately after the game last night "Tickets for the finals are available tomorrow morning at the Garden box office - we hope to see you here!" Right. So I'm going to get home at 2:00 a.m., DRIVE into Boston in the MORNING to buy tickets and then drive BACK at night for the game. Are these people on drugs?
But the biggest reason is the lack of attention span and number of distractions today. Social media, other diversions and an "immediate gratification" culture. Talk to any millennial. They don't even watch the 11:00 news. That was a staple for us. They get everything in drips and drabs in five second snippets. Sitting for six hours to watch two games (although watching Providence is a great cure for insomnia) is literally aversive to them.
I know that I am fortunate to have been around for the "old days." I also wish they were coming back, but that ship has sailed. I was there in '77 when UNH beat Cornell 10-9 in 2OT. And most people, being drained from that game as well as the lateness, MISSED the second game which was almost as good, as BU, down 5-3 to Cornell scored three goals in the last three minutes to win 6-5. But it's the atmosphere that makes that memory of those games what it is. PACKED house, plus a LOUD old barn (and don't get me started about how the "new" Garden is "just as loud but the people don't cheer as much"). It was a raucous atmosphere, when people had FUN without all kinds of restrictions and being "monitored" for looking at someone the wrong way. I go to very few games now for exactly that reason. It's just not as FUN. The world has changed. We talk about this every year but that's not going to make those days come back. I don't really know how you can blame Bertagna. It is, as they say, what it is. What would you like them to do (short of lowering tickets prices, which you can't do at a venue like that, I'm sure because of union pay scales and the like)? You can't make people go. You can't tell people that have a sedentary lifestyle to get off your butt and come to the game. Another thing is TV. The NCAA basketball tournament is on. People like to sit at home and watch all of these games (because they're all on) instead of just going to ONE and then missing everything else. The world is smaller and technology makes it possible to just create a "command center" in your house (besides what you are already paying for your TV package but you would be paying that anyway) and not have to spend anything. So what you're left with are the true die-hard fans that understand that seeing a game in person is infinitely better than watching on TV. But you're going to lose all those "casual" fans who came because there was "nothing else to do."
I lament it as much as you do. But we ain't going back to the old days...
EDIT: So I actually just looked up the attendance on the Hockey East site: 10,871. That’s actually probably just about right. So they didn’t embellish it this time.