Hate to jump in on this Ray, but your latest post hit on a couple of points I'd like to touch on. First ...
Actually, Espo was a pretty darned good skater. He definitely wasn't one of those choppy-stride guys. His problem - and that of many of his teammates, and likewise their opponents - was that they weren't Bobby Orr. But Espo was better-than-average at getting up and down the ice. It's just not something he was noted for. But this is a minor quibble compared to this doozie …
You went too far with the JvR comparison to O'Reilly, sorry. Let's not forget that O'Reilly was a first round pick in his time too, so it's not like the guy was dogfood talent-wise. I think anyone would concede that these were two entirely different players, no doubt, so I'm not disputing you there. But JvR "rather than" another guy who scored 200 goals but also added 400 assists, AND has better postseason stats, too? A guy who was a consistent plus guy in the plus/minus, as opposed to someone who's basically been a break-even guy (technically still in the red though)? A guy who oozed leadership and physicality, as opposed to a guy who was deemed "odd man out" by his last employer (after a quintessential "contract year"), who claimed they didn't have the money to re-sign him, but otherwise decided to re-sign all their younger (better) talent, and then ended up replacing him by breaking the bank on John freakin' Tavares??
Listen … I'm not a B's fan, and my time as a B's fan ended the day Bobby Orr left town. O'Reilly only had a few years with Orr, and really ended up being the leader of some very good B's teams that resided near the top of the NHL for most of the rest of his career - without guys like Orr and Espo, and instead with good-but-over-the-hill guys like Brad Park and Jean Ratelle. He even made it to a couple of All-Star games, which is more than JvR has ever played in (0 at last count). When your team came up against O'Reilly, he would get your attention. It was hardly "smooth" but the guy was a warrior, and a flat-out winner.
So I don't have a per se dog in this fight, but I can guarantee you O'Reilly was a better player than JvR is … unless JvR has an amazing Part Two of his career that at least the likes of Mike Babcock and Brendan Shanahan (both Stanley Cup winners, so they presumably know) don't. see coming.
Now, let me stress - this is NOT a knock on JvR. JvR has proven himself to be an above-average NHL forward, and is making a lot of money, and I'm sure most of us UNH fans would love to turn the clock back a few years for a rerun of JvR's short career in Durham, because it pees all over what we're subjected to now. I get it. But he's in this discussion on the "side" of the elite talent argument with Bobby Orr and Fred Lynn - the former who is one of three guys with a credible claim on being the best player of all time in his sport, while the latter was an MVP and perennial All-Star and Gold Glove player.
And JvR's simply not the impact player that "grinder" Terry O'Reilly consistently was. JMHO.