Leaman just seems to know how to coach against Bazin. That called back goal just seemed to completely kill this team, and they reacted horribly to it.
6 years since we won in PC, can we end that tonight?
Sounds like the radio guys are not thrilled with the reffing.
The Reid Stefenson penalty was 100 percent his fault very undisciplined 3rd for Lowell, not like them at all
No idea how the refs missed that spear on Hernberg that led to the Baxter penalty. Hard to comeback when your playing shorthanded for almost half the period.
Line up changes:
In - Knoblauch, O'Rourke, Sawchuk
Out - Wilson, Evingson, Schutz
Hernberg in net.
They just ran into a better team this weekend. On to Merrimack.
Bad weekend for most Lowell teams ...
Basketball lost a close one at UMBC (yes, the same one that pulled off the 16-1 upset last year). We already know about hockey. But the worst ... baseball went off to perennial contender Arizona and lost all four games, which isn't all that surprising. The combined 69-17 score is embarrassing as hell though.
I get that you want to play tough competition to prep for the AE season, but are results like this actually helpful?I saw those baseball scores too. Talk about a tough start and there's no rest for the team as their next 6 games are against #9 Georgia and #7 North Carolina.
Are they getting paid to be patsy? I know they get paid to play bouncy ball with the big guys
I get that you want to play tough competition to prep for the AE season, but are results like this actually helpful?
I didn't think that would happen in baseball but all three schools (Zona, UGA, UNC) are use baseball as a revenue-producing sport. If they are getting paid to show up it beats having to go to Florida for a month and pay for it yourself I suppose.
Here's the thing though is they've played teams of this caliber in the early season before without being pummeled to kingdom come so I dont know if its lack of practice or what. I mean our bats did alright... hopefully they can right the ship against high caliber opponents.