e.cat's bark is worse than his bite. As discussed recently on the UNH thread, we've had our moments at loggerheads in the past, but we've come out the other side, and all is good. Just two thick-skulled Irishmen who both think we know everything.
Ironically, one of the two of us actually comes from Maine. Not the Downeast, mind you, but Maine nevertheless.
The discussion today about where the Downeast starts and ends has been enlightening. Not too much unlike the discussion about what NH towns are considered Seacoast towns. For those from "away" I can assure you, it includes towns and cities lacking Atlantic Oceanfront property. I've spent more than my fair share of time working in and around Bangor over the last 30 or so years, and the idea that Bangor is NOT "Downeast" would surprise some of the locals who've told me otherwise. Whatever. Clearly, there is no shortage of know-it-alls on this thread too LOL. But all in all, I've always said, I have much love for the UMaine-iacs, groovy. Some folks have long memories of "Wild West USCHO", and took a lot of that stuff personally and/or literally. So be it. And I'm not saying I won't take future shots as appropriate; isn't that part of the fun to be had with the format??
BTW ... has anyone here got any updated pics of Barr's (formerly?) corpulent assistant? ;-) lol j/k etc. ad nauseum