Re: UAA VS St. Cloud Nov 19-20
Nobody's trying to take away from what Anchorage did, congrats, they deserved the win, but anyone who thinks these teams are close in talent doesn't know too much about puck.
Sweet baby heyzeus it's on now bubby ...
So ... I'll cordially invite you to provide your expert talent analysis since your clear inference here is that you "know puck".
Where is the great disparity between UAA and SCSU? Is it the 6th and 7th round draft choices? Hmmm ... Dunn ... uh ... yeah he ain't even playin. Oh I know ... Aaron Marvin (3rd round choice) ... uh ... yeah another in a long line of oversold @ 18 Minnesota High School draft choices ... if he was 3rd round draft talented wouldn't have likely spent 4 four years in college.
UAA has 4 players of the caliber of Aaron Marvin ... ferchrissakes ... watch the kid skate. The NHL scouts drooled because he was 6'3" at 18 ... that was the sum total of his potential to them. And he's lived up to that by producing nothing but physical play, hacking and injured susies. He'll be a one year AHL player that gets assigned to the ECHL and plays there until he figures out he should hang up the skates.
Who's next? Shall I find some more oversold-by-homeriffic-minnesota-scouting players to pick on? Shall we look at some junior stats for those minnesota products that you seem to think are more talented? Do some comparisons eh?
Drew Leblanc? Unimpressive junior stats followed by three average years at SCSU ... UAA has at least 2 Drew Leblancs ... How about Tony Mosey? Oh wait .. UAA's Craig Parkinson blew Mosey's numbers away in the BCHL 06-07 year. So not him. Travis Novak ... his junior numbers are less impressive than Leblanc ... um who's next? Jordy Christian? He had decent numbers one year in the B ... and a grand total of 8 goals in two years playing on one of the top teams in the WCHA? Yeah .. he's so much more talented than any UAA player. Um .. Garrett Roe? Nice player .. .good numbers when he played with Ryan Lasch. Otherwise ... I don't see anything that lots of small quick good puck handling forwards don't deliver ... UAA has a freshman of the same ilk that is every bit the match of Roe in terms of talent. Festler? Hanoski? More unproven Minnesota high school players with more hype than talent. Decent hockey players at this level to be sure ... but to put them in a class above UAA just because they don't go to UAA?
I know at some point someone in this thread would put their foot in it and dude you did it big time. So come on ... step it up now and describe all the talent SCSU has. I'm not local to your team so naturally all these guys must have something in the talent bucket that i'm missing. Tell me what it is? Let's hear it eh? Where is all this "talent" that you claim for them?
And its not just this game that we're upset about.... getting embarassed at home to Miami, laying an egg in the rematch game against the Gophers, splitting at home with Quinnipiac, splitting at home with Bemidji, being a minute away from getting swept at home to UNO and then only getting a point, now losing to UAA... its not that we're frustrated with one night they took off, my question is, what nights have they brought their A game?
Again here you display your ignorance "about puck". Where do I start? Do you know what league SCSU plays in? Do you know it's like about 1/3 of the way through the season. Why is it the default position of the Minnesota hockey egg-head-set that just because kids are playing for UAA that they have no talent? Because they aren't from Minnesota so much? Pfft ... best thing you can do for the team you follow would be to retire permanently from the internet.
Far be it for me to try to defend SCSU but ffs sparkles ... it's like about 1/3 through the season. Quit your hand wringing and arm flailing and take a look at your team and see what you see if you "know puck" instead of listening to what a bunch of fools write about them in the preseason based on nothing but numbers. I don't know if the Huskies will get better as the season goes along or will end up in the standings where they are now. And neither do you.